A Musty Polaroid

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With a few blackened edges

And some mysterious corners,

A rusty, old merry go round

Stood poised, elegant as ever.

The glowing fairy lights looked

Like a glittering waterfall

That cascaded in abundance

Despite the dark pool beneath.

Some coffee brewing

In the sunlit castle

Covered in long windows and ancient books

From the top of the ceiling

To the bottom of the floor.

The walls peeking through

The emerald ivy,

Remind me of a faraway place

That I ran away from,

Perhaps in a previous lifetime.

All of these in astonishing clarity

Peek at me from a musty polaroid.

Through all it's frays and cracks

The picture seems vaguely familiar,

It's not until I look away

That I realize

It was only ever a mirror

To begin with.

- Izzie. H

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