Would've, Could've, Should've

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A smile, couple of secret glances
He knew what he was doing
A wink, hinting at a cute romance
She fell hard before she could catch herself.

Kept her at an arm's distance,
She never had the courage to ask for more.
He knew where to take his chances
And when to leave her hanging by the door.

At 14, she didn't know, didn't believe that
When a 28 year old says love, he means lust
She forgot to pause and think, and
He wore the faces he knew she'd trust.

After days, months and years of trying,
She finally fought for herself for once
And after all the screaming and crying
He showed nothing but indifference.

She toed the line, aced all his tests
But he always left her with more doubts
Found faults in her meekest requests
And left her unsafe in her own house.

When it finally ended, she only believed
"He would've stayed if I was prettier
We would've made it work if I was older
I should've tried more to be better."

Years passed, she's 21 now
Looking back, she finally understands
She wasn't impossible to love;
He never wanted her for love at all.

She wasn't the one to blame
For he didn't care if she took the fall
She shouldn't be shrouded in shame
For trusting the biggest bastard of them all.

She looks at the mirror now
On her way to becoming a lawyer,
She looks away a moment too soon
Not wanting to look any longer.

He's out there, happy, respected and fine
And she's not even a chapter in his book
While she's scrubbing with all her might
Trying to get that ugly stain on her dress
That never seemed to fade, not even torn or shook.

With every day, she's a distant memory
Just a person he came across
In her eyes though, she'll always be
The fool who everyone can doublecross.

- Izzie. H


A/N: I know this is a longer one and it has a couple of dark themes. 

The title is inspired from Taylor Swift, so is the overall theme.

This is not necessarily a good enough poem to be posted. But this is a deeply personal poem that I simply wanted to share out into the world. Thank you for reading and supporting my work <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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