Testing the test

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To say that she was nervous was an understatement.

But excitement took over, and Yejin left the bathroom to find her husband leaning against the wall across the door, arms crossed. He appeared relaxed at first glance, but the telltale sign of his nervousness showed in the way his leg was bouncing.

"Well?" He asked, hopefully.

"We have to wait five minutes," she explained, leaning against the wall too.

His hand found hers as he looked at his watch.

5 minutes left.

Neither moved. She chose to stare at her socks for a whole minute — a new pair she might have stolen from Bin, although he didn't know it was hers yet.

She had bought the test at a pharmacy earlier today, and even if he was surprised they both joked that it was probably too early anyway. It was barely a month since they decided to stop preventing pregnancy. What are the odds for her to conceive within the first month?

So they got on with their day, had dinner with her best friend and her family, and went back to the hotel. They enjoyed a nice, long bath together, and decided to take the test now because, why not? It wasn't like they were super hopeful.

But, well, her period had yet to arrive, marking now six weeks since she last had it. It could be jet lag, stress over wedding preparations, stress over work...

"You okay?" He asked her after that minute passed.

4 minutes left.

Yejin nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... I know I've said this, but let's not get our hopes up. It's probably nothing."

"Sure," Bin said, hand leaving hers as his arm sneaked over her shoulders, down to her waist. "We've got time."

They did have time. No pressing work for the next few months. They did so on purpose, of course. They've been talking about a family for just over two years, so it was only natural that once they got married they worked on that.

And they had been working very well on that indeed. She had no complaints whatsoever. She just didn't want them to become obsessed over it. They were both fit, and healthy. Age hardly mattered these days — her doctor assured her she was looking better than many young adults out there. So there was absolutely no reason to go crazy over it.

If it should happen, it would happen.

"It's probably jet lag," she said again. "The flight was three days ago, I'm still getting over it. It was overwhelming when we got here too. I don't want our honeymoon to be ruined."

"Yes, it was," he agreed. "We should make the most of our honeymoon. But just as long as you're feeling okay."

"I'm sure a good night's sleep will do me wonders," Yejin said. "I haven't been getting enough sleep. Whose fault is that, huh?"

"Not mine. You started it yesterday," Bin said, leaning down towards her and pressing his lips against her neck, giving her goosebumps.

They had been living together for over a year and here she was, getting goosebumps from a simple kiss on her neck. Bin's hand innocently traveled under her pajama shirt and settled just at the side of her breast. It was comforting and sensual at the same time.

Here they were, in their pajamas, in their hotel suite, waiting on a pharmacy pregnancy test, she wearing his socks and ready to jump him. Again.

She understood what everyone talked about newlyweds now.

"I did start it, didn't I?" Yejin said, busted. It wasn't her fault her husband looked so good all the time. And so ready to do whatever she wanted all the time too. "Anyway. How many couples get pregnant in the very first month? Not many, I reckon."

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