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AN: Posting quite late, but this is set during round of 16 at the world cup last year 😋 And for those who are still waiting for Stranded, chapter 10 should come soon! Please stay tuned ❤


It was almost over.

They were so close now. Just a little effort and everything would be over and well. Or just... over.

"Aish," Yejin mumbled over another chance of attack from the adversary team.

She was trying hard not to tell her frustrations out. First because it was nearing two am. Second, because Bin had already given up and was fast asleep beside her. Thirdly, because of the little prince in her arms, somewhere in between sleeping and eating — Yejin wasn't sure if he was already dreaming but kept on suckling at her breast.

"Come on," she whispered at the counter-attack. South Korea needed to win. But the game was almost over, and there was still a tie. "Come on!"

Her son let go of her breast and Yejin quickly focused on adjusting her clothing and him, cleaning the remaining milk from his chubby cheeks. His mouth curled into an almost smile and his eyes remained close, and she already knew he was ready for bed.

"Let's be quiet so we don't wake Appa," she muttered, motioning to stand up and burp him.

And then she heard it.

GOAL from South Korea!

She sat back on the bed, astonished that she had forgotten the game so quickly and accidentally bumping against her husband.

"What is it, what? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Bin stumbled on his words, eyes slowly opening. Their son looked like him when he was sleeping. He sat up alarmingly, and looked from Yejin to the baby.

Yejin patted his shoulder repeatedly. "They just scored another goal, we'll advance in the cup!"

"Oh. That," he yawned. "That's great. Who are we getting for next round?"

"Brazil, I think," Yejin whispered.

"Aish. Let's hope our prince keeps on bringing us luck," he joked. "Do you want me to burp him?"

"I was going to do that. Don't worry."

"No, I want to," Bin quickly said. "You need your rest."

They both did, in truth. The baby woke up constantly and they napped when they could, and even though the clinic is very helpful the nights were their own — which was just fine, considering they would be on their own when they got back home.

So she let him take the baby from her — and oh, how small he looked on Bin's strong arms — and leaned back on the bed. The game was now over. If there was something good about this World Cup, was that with the games being late night or the middle of the night, either she or Bin hadn't missed one.

She got comfortable as she heard Bin softly speaking to their son, and almost fell asleep then and there.

"Did you enjoy the game?" Bin asked.

She sighed. "Mm-hm. There was a slim chance of winning, but they did it."

"How could we not? There's our very own lucky charm right here," Bin joked. As if on cue, the baby let out a loud burp. "He agrees."

Yejin laughed. "At least for now."

They exchanged a smile and he put the baby in his crib. Yejin closed her eyes for just a bit. She felt Bin turning off the tv and him slipping back into bed. Then his beard against her cheek and his lips on her temple.

"Good night, my love," he whispered. "Next time he wakes up it's my turn."

"Okay," she said slowly. "Your turn."

He chuckled, and that was the last thing she heard before she did sleep.

For a couple of hours, anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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