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It was not an ordinary wedding, but they were also not ordinary people.

For instance, not everyone (or very few people, anyway) could afford to have their wedding on a private island (which also happens to be their private island) in the middle of the Caribbean. Their island held a private airport, 10 different beaches, one private mansion plus four guest houses.

Just a tiny little private island.

It had to be hard to find a wedding with such a diverse group of guests too. To the groom's closest business partners, who flew in from places all over the world, to the bride's close friends from the NIS.

Not to mention the bride's biological father who decided to show up despite being wanted in both South Korea and China (which they could do nothing about since this was most definitely not any of the Koreas or China). But that was what you got for being chief of the mafia in South Korea.

It was a beautiful day and Tae-gu truly was captivated by how beautiful and extraordinary his bride looked. From the lovely half-moons her eyes formed whenever she smiled, to the joy in her lips as she talked to their guests, to the very slight almost invisible swell of her small baby bump under the white wedding gown (such a beautiful gown, but then all of the previous ones were gorgeous on her too).

Chae-yoon looked up at him, waiting for some kind of reaction, but he only pulled her closer to him by her waist, pressing his lips on her hair, just next to the flowery crown she was wearing.

It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying the wedding. He was. But his senses were very alert — their guest list was composed of less than fifty people, but he couldn't be sure her father wouldn't pull one of his tricks or that her friends from the NIS would do anything, or that his partners wouldn't be tailed by anyone that would make this all fall apart. The odds weren't in their favor.

So, like a good groom and now husband, he had stuck to Chae-yoon's side through it all. His beautiful wife, finally.

They had really come so far, he thought.

She gave him a bewildered glance. Tae-gu coughed.

"Let's dance, shall we?" He offered, and she excused both of them from the present conversation.

They had already had their first dance of course; this one was slower and less ostentatious. He pressed both his palms on Chae-yoon's waist and gave her a smile.

"What's going on inside that mind of yours?" She asked as she rested her hands on the back of his neck.

"I'm wondering when it'll be acceptable to take my wife out of here to our home," he replied, which was not a lie at all.

"Soon," she gave him a pointed look.

"They've already had their dessert and coffee. I'd think it's time for this to be over," he bristled.

"Have patience, darling. Weddings take more than a couple of hours to end," Chae-yoon laughed. "Relax. My father promised me everything would be fine."

"Forgive me if I don't trust your father after the last stunt he pulled," Tae-gu rolled his eyes, tightening his hold on her. "I'm not worried about only that."

"What else is on your mind?"

"For instance, that friend of yours from the NIS is flirting with the most important weapon seller of Europe," he said, looking around. "That worries me."

"Hm. Anything else?"

"You're in your first trimester. I'm worried the food will make you nauseous," he continued.

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