Breaking in

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Two guys beaten up, bloodied, and whining, sitting on the corner of the living room floor. Another guy was unconscious, leaning against one of the whiny ones. Two police officers at the front door, another on the corner in between the kitchen.

And Min Tae-gu talking to a detective.

To say that Chae-yoon was simply horrified was an understatement.

"What is going on here?" She said upon stepping inside. The officers close to the door looked up. "Min Tae-gu!"

"I didn't do anything!" Tae-gu said instantly, eyes wide, as he interrupted whatever he was talking to the detective. "Ask her!"

"Ma'am," one of the officers said, walking towards her.

"Inspector Ha Chae-yoon," she introduced herself, showing her badge. "I live here. Or at least I did until a minute ago."

Chae-yoon stepped into the penthouse properly and walked to the middle of the living room where Tae-gu and the detective she recognized as Cha Ji-won, passed by the battered men in the hallway. Seriously. They were having such a nice time here. It had only been three days since they moved in and she was just loving how homey the place was becoming.

Until now.

"Princess..." Tae-gu started.

"Don't call me that," she hated when he got started on the silly pet names.

"I apologize, my queen."

That earned him a glare.

"Inspector Ha," the detective interrupted the exchange. "There was an attempted burglary here."

"It's not attempted if they actually break in," Min Tae-gu mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

"They managed to get through security and broke in," Detective Cha explained to her. "Your fiancé was in the kitchen and saw them. There was an altercation."

Chae-yoon looked at Tae-gu, who was glaring at the guys in the corner. He appeared to be completely unscathed.

"We've been looking for those three for a while now actually," the detective said. "This gang has been going around luxurious places for a while when the residents are gone. Your fiancé was telling me you moved in a few days ago."

Chae-yoon hummed her reply. "Yes, we were decorating for a few weeks and now moved in."

Detective Cha nodded. "That explains why they thought they'd find the place empty. I've got your statement, so we'll be in touch. Thank you for your help."

"Wha- one of the guys is unconscious!" Chae-yoon mumbled, then whispered to Tae-gu. "Did you kill him?"

The detective let out a chuckle at that. "That guy is actually just crying silently. They had guns but your fiancé overpowered them quickly. It might have been a little humiliating."

"Don't worry, Detective Cha, I'm looking out for him," Chae-yoon hurried to say.

"I think he's looking out for you more," Cha smirked. "See you around, Inspector Ha."

Chae-yoon watched as the detective ordered the officers around. Tae-gu sat heavily on their brand new couch.

"Oh, we can keep an officer at your door to guard you while you replace the lock," Detective Cha offered. "They did a number here."

"It's okay, I'll have it done now," Tae-gu said with a smile, motioning to his phone. He looked at Chae-yoon. "We're getting a reinforced door. Or maybe we're moving out. I haven't decided."

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