Triple chocolate

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It was nearly 2 in the morning when Bin finally managed to have some time to himself — having been on photoshoots and meetings all day, plus an early dinner with his assistant and his stylist, he could hardly spare time to do more than check his phone for new messages.

Having showered and ordered room service — his body clock was completely messed up and he didn't feel like trying too much since he would be home in two days anyway — he finally sat down on an armchair and did the quick math in his mind. It was almost 9 in the morning in Seoul.

He unlocked his phone. There were no new notifications apart from his assistant reminding him of their schedule for tomorrow. Bin chose to ignore that, sparing a quick smile at his phone's background — a picture he took of Yejin in Santa Monica during their honeymoon — and clicked on her name.

He took a deep, calming breath and relaxed in his seat while listening to the ringing. One ring, two rings, three rings — he was about to get worried when there was a click and his wife's voice filled his ears.

"Jagiya!" She exclaimed, sounding a little out of breath. "Good morning! Oh, it's night there, isn't it?"

He chuckled. "It is but it doesn't feel like a night to me. What's up? Everything alright?"

He tried not to sound overbearing, but he couldn't help it. He was always a little too overprotective of her. That wasn't going to change with pregnancy or marriage.

He would go so far as to admit it got worse.

"Yes, all fine. I just stopped by the bakery with Kitty. I wanted some cake," he could hear the pouting in her voice and smile.

One could blame pregnancy for cake cravings, but not his food-crazy wife, who had always been miraculously healthy despite indulging in sweets and junk food.

"How was your day?" She asked him, and he heard the beeping of their door and Kitty's paws on the hardwood floor instantly.

"It was fine. Busy," he told her. "Did you see the lunch pictures I sent you?"

"Yes, and it should be a crime to send those pictures to a pregnant lady," Yejin told him instantly. "I'm home, let's do FaceTime now."

Before he could even say yes, his phone beeped and he accepted the video call request. Despite using the same phone as Yejin, he was hardly aware of everything it could do, unlike her. The video appeared and he saw her, taking off her mask with a bright smile on her face. She looked a little flushed and her eyes were twinkling.

"Hi," Bin said fondly. It brought back some memories, calling her like this. They hadn't done it since he was in Jordan two years ago.

"Hello!" Yejin retorted with a smile. "Jagiya, I can only see your forehead."

"Oh!" Bin flushed, moving his phone so she could see him better. He gave her a sheepish look. "Sorry. Are you wearing my hoodie?"

She hummed her reply. "But it's too hot outside. Wait a minute."

She positioned her phone on the kitchen counter and he could vaguely see her arms flailing as she took off his hoodie. Kitty was in the background, close to the window, drinking water.

"There. I'm planning on cooking Italian for lunch today, by the way," she told him, grabbing her phone again. She was wearing a simple white shirt — he wasn't sure, but he thought it was one of his undershirts. "All your fault."

"What will you make?"

"Not sure. Eonnie is coming over," Yejin continued. "It's funny, when I lived alone she rarely invited herself over. Does she think I can't survive a few days while my husband is traveling?"

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