Chapter 1: Hiccup the problem

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1st POV (Nico)

Another day like any other. It was night and everyone was fighting dragons, just like me. That's when I saw the problem: Hiccup, getting chased by a monstrous nightmare. Because it was Hiccup getting chased, it automatically meant, it was my problem, too.

My dad, Gobber, and Hiccup's dad, Stoick, are best friends, so we practically grew up together. We could see pretty soon, that Hiccup was a bit different. So our fathers appointed me as his protector. Well, babysitter would fit this much better.

It was perfect since I was older, stronger and more responsible. Also, some Vikings thought and still think I should earn my place on Berk, because I wasn't born here. I could understand that. And, in addition to that, I am Gobber's son. He is the teacher, he teaches how to kill dragons, so I learned how to do that a bit sooner than others.

Which led me to this situation: Me, running after Hiccup with a hammer I grabbed from the forge I was just at. Just as Hiccup was face to face with the dragon, I arrived. Not wasting any time, I started attacking it. Guess I hade a lucky day, the beast was out of shots, so it only took a few hits for it to take off.

When I turned around I see Stoick standing in front of my friend. The tower, Hiccup was hiding behind, had already fallen and rolled of to who knows where, while Hiccup was getting scolded.

Afterwards it was dad's and my time to bring Hiccup home. Well, we were pretty much just listening to him rant. "If he would just let me try. As soon as I kill a dragon, I could get at list a bit of a reputation."

"Oh, you already have a reputation." I replied. "As the troublemaker of Berk. I'm not sure how you would kill a dragon."

Hiccup looked at me blankly. "Wow, thank you, how motivating. But, you know, the way dad looks at me. Like he got the wrong child at birth. Excuse me, I wanted a strong, brave Viking, not this midget."

"No,no you got that wrong" my father said quickly. "It's not your outside that he doesn't like, it's the inside." With the same expression he looked at me before, he now looked at dad. "You're gesturing to all of me. Well, I'm sorry I can't be like Nico."

Oh no, now he's getting on that trip again. Since we grew up together, you could say a little rivalry started to rise. With Hiccup being himself, I was always at the winning end. After dad taught me how to kill a dragon, I was put as his protector. And as soon as that happened, Hiccup started getting out of control. No Viking has ever needed a protector, so he obviouly didn't want to be the first one. He tried to prove himself again and again, but it always went wrong, it still being that way now.

I feel bad for him. Personally, I never saw him as a rival, more like a little brother. Especially, because he looked up to me so much. It makes you proud to be someones idol.

"Come on, you know I was trained earlier than anyone else and I'm still three years older than you. Who knows what you will do when you are my age." I said this trying to sheer him up, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. „I just want him to be proud of me." With that he went inside his house, leaving dad and me standing outside in silence.

Then dad looked at me. "Well that didn't go well, did it?" I just sighed and with that we went home. 

Above you can see Nico's clothes and hairstyle.

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