Chapter 7: Fight against the Monstrous Nightmare

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1st POV (Nico)

It's the next day, Hiccup has to fight. Everyone was gathering at the arena as the day before. As I was on my way there too, Astrid pulled me aside. I was confused at first. But before I could even utter a word, she started this conversation:

"Hiccup told me you know about Toothless too. What do you think of this?" -Astrid

"I don't know. This could be his big chance, but I don't know wether he can even do it." -me

"Don't you think we should do something? What if his plan goes wrong?" -Astrid

"What plan?" -me

"He didn't tell you? He wants to tame the nightmare in front of everyone. Then he wants to destroy the dragons nest, we found it yesterday." -Astrid. This is definitely not a good idea, but I can't interfere now.

"If he thinks this is the right decision, then he should do it." With that I started walking away. I could hear Astrid stomp her foot in frustration, but she didn't come after me.

Before the fight started Stoick held a speech about how proud he is of his son. This must make it more difficult for Hiccup.

Then Hiccup walked into the arena, the dragon was let go and he actually started taming it. Saying how all we know about them is wrong.

Then it went bad. Stoick refused to believe this was happening. Must have been too much of a change for him. He slammed his hammer against one of the metal rods of the arena, causing the nightmare to snap out of the taming process and to attack hiccup.

Hiccup had to run away and slowly people got into the arena to help him. That help wasn't needed since suddenly Toothless came and saved him. Hiccup wanted him to run away but at this point the other vikings started to stream in. Stoick fought Toothless and defeated him in the end.

Toothless was then put in chains and Hiccup dragged to the Great Hall by his father. I quietly followed them, but couldn't hear what they were talking about. After a bit Stoick came out, looking absoutely devastated.

I snuck in after he was a bit away. "What happened?" I asked Hiccup, who looked just as devastated as his father before. When he looked up at me, I could see the pain in his eyes. "Dad just said I'm not his son anymore. Oh god, Nico, he wants to use Toothless to find the dragons nest. He, he doesn't know what he is getting into. He can't defeat the queen alone."

He looked so desperate that I couldn't take it and kneed down to him and hugged him with one arm. "It's okay. I will go with him and protect him. There is no stopping him anyway.""NO, you will die too. I don't want either of you to die. You are so goddamn stubborn just like him.""And you will probably come after us with one of your weird plans anyway. I trust you, so you should trust me."

With that I left him alone to get ready to find the dragons nest and fight the queen. 

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