Chapter 14: Just like the beginning

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1st POV (Nico)

A storm was coming. The skies were already grey with no sunlight coming through. The wind was picking up by the minute. We had to secure the whole island.

The animals had to be caught and put into stables. The weather was driving them crazy, so it wasn't easy to catch them and cost us a lot of time. The time we didn't have. Everyone had to help.

We had to improve a lot of houses because of minors things that would have caused them to be blown away at the end. Those minor things were a big problem, too. It cost a lot of time and many injured themselfs because of fall damage. That meant Gothi and I had to patch them up.

Everything was just all over the place. Dad was trying to fix the houses, Stoick was yelling at everyone and everything. I was just all over the place. Fixing things, catching run away animals and helping Gothi. To put it simply, everyone was stressed.

When we were done with everything, the storm was a lot worse. You had to fight against the wind and it started raining. The rain was cold and stung on my face. "Wow, this is just like the night you came here." Dad commented when we were inside the forge. "Let's just hope this whole situation doesn't get worse."

It got worse. Stoick stormed inside the forge, half yelling at us because of stress. "We have a problem, well rather two. One of the stables just colapsed. Gobber, I need you to help me fix it and catch the sheep again. Nico, Hiccup is still at the Academy, get him." He didn't give us a choice to answer and simply stormed out again. I just sighted, perfect. Dad and I wished each other good luck and went our respective ways.

On my way to the Academy I, at least, had some time to think in peace. I just couldn't forget what Dagur had said. How I'm just someone and Hiccup is now pretty much the big hero. I was happy for Hiccup, I really was, but it also made me feel bad. I hate to admit it, but maybe I was jealous.

A lot of people didn't accept me, still don't, but they respected me as a Viking, as a warrior. Now I wasn't a warrior anymore. I still trained a whole lot, but I just didn't need to use it anymore. Being a healer was the complete opposite. Not hurting or killing beings, instead taking care of the ones that are hurt and getting them back to good health.

Everyone just took me for granted now, not even thanking me, when I helped them or took care of them. They always thanked Gothi. Some even say they would rather be treated by Gothi than me. She was always nice and tried to make me feel better about it, but we both know it wasn't working and I was bottling up my anger.

Hiccup was the opposite of me. Everyone loved him. They greeted him, when they saw him. When they had problems with their dragons, they directly asked him about it. Most of the time they would even make some more conversation after their problem was solved. Why did no one talk to my like that?

Even Hiccup himself didn't talk much to me anymore. He was too busy taking care of the dragons, the Academy and the problem with the Outcasts. I felt like an outcast, too. The only people I talked to daily were dad and Gothi, well Gothi was writing in the sand and I talked. I got hit occasionally because I misread something. She should work on her handwriting.

Sometimes Stoick and Hiccup would talk to me, too, or some of the other kids. Astrid was quite nice, she always saw me as Hiccups brother. Fishlegs was too scared of me. Snotloud would sometimes try to brag that he is now better than me, then I would beat him up and he was gone again for a while. Sometimes the twins would drag me into some of their weird ideas and blame me afterwards. Most knew it wasn't true but I still tried to stay away from them.

Otherwise it was pretty lonely. Back then, I at least always made time for Hiccup, so that he wouldn't be so lonely. Now that I think of it, this must have been how he felt then. Lonely and jealous. I should really try to control myself.

I was so lost in my spiral of self pity that I almost didn't realize I was at the Academy. When I walked in, I saw Hiccup and Toothless putting away the last things. "Hiccup, come on, we have to go." He got a bit scared, probably didn't hear me come in considering how loud the wind was. He ran over to me and got on Toothless.

"Get on, I'll fly us back." I just shook my head. "You stay on there, but we have to walk. It is too dangerous to fly now. The wind will throw you off." He sighed, got off and we started walking.

The problem on the way was, I was getting back into my spiral. Which meant I also blew off every try of Hiccup to make conversation. With just nodding or making agreeing noises. I could feel that he was getting frustrated and annoyed. That's when it started.

"Okay, tell me, what's wrong?" -Hiccup

"Nothing, why would something be wrong?" -Me

"You've been acting weird lately. Always lost in thought or stressed. Astrid also noticed it. She asked me to talk to you. You know, brother to brother." -Hiccup. I laughed bitterly.

"Of course it was Astrid. Why else would you do it?" -Me. Hiccup raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, what are you talking about? We are worried about you." -Hiccup. Damn, my mood was getting worse.

"What I'm talking about is, that Astrid is the reason you are talking to me. You are so busy, why else would you fit me into your oh so full schedule. The dragons are so much more important than me." -Me. Oh no, I was letting my anger out on him.

"Hey, calm down, you are just as important as everyone here. You are a part of us." – Hiccup. We stopped walking and he had taken a few steps back. Toothless stood protectivly next to him. I couldn't blame him, since Hiccups words made me explode. All the feeling I had bottled up, came shooting out of me and I started yelling at him.

"Me? Just as important as everyone? Are you kidding me, do you not see how they tread me? They all take me for granted. I'm not from Berk, I was brought here through a storm like this. They think I need to earn my place here. It feels like I'm a parasite in their home, that they want to either get rid of or pretend it doesn't exist."

"Nico, I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" He tried to say, but I wasn't done, no, it even fired me on more.

"Of course you didn't know. How much do you talk to me? Every few days, we used to see each other every day. Now you are too important to talk to me, to busy with being everyones hero. I love you, you are my brother, but what is wrong with you? Why are you not coming to me anymore?"

That's when I made two mistakes. The first one was talking a step towards Hiccup, while yelling aggressively. It made Toothless alarmed and he fied a shot at me. At first, I thought it missed me, but then I looked down and saw the blood. It hadn't directly hit me but instead grazed the part between my neck and my shoulder.

That's also when I felt the pain. It was stinging and intense. The cold water from the rain made it even worse. I grimaced. When I looked up, I was Hiccups and Toothless faces. Hiccup looked like he wanted to throw up and had tears in his eyes. It made me happy that he cared that much, but it also hurt to see him in such pain. Even Toothless looked awful, and guilty. He never liked me much, but I guess that has crossed the line wayyyy to far.

That's when I made my second mistake. Because of the shock I stumbled backwards. Sadly, behind me was the cliff, since we didn't walk far. So I fell. It was a weird feeling. It must have been a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I was scared, I might be falling to my death. In addition to that, I could feel the pain on my shoulder.

At the end of my fall, I was Hiccup and Toothless coming after me. I guess they wanted to catch me, but it was way too late for that. They must have started late because of the shock. I wasn't mad though. I yelled every last bit of my feelings out and felt at peace. Who knows what might happen next?

So I hit the water, smiling. Hiccup and Toothless were still quite far away. They couldn't see my face. I hope they wouldn't feel bad for too long and get over it. If I die, I'm happy to have lived here on berk and with the others.

In the water, the current grabbed onto me directly and pulled me away towards the ocean. I didn't see it, but I'm pretty sure something hit the water, where I just had been. I was already gone though.

Slowly, I started to black out. On a night like this, I came to berk. On a night like this, I was ripped away from it. I lost consciousness.

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