Chapter 6: The new Hiccup

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1st POV (Nico)

From then on everything went a bit crazy. Hiccup got better at training than anyone else. He did by using tricks that he learned while being with Toothless.

First was the Hideous Zippleback. He found out dragons hate eels, so he used one to force it back in its cage.

Then came the Gronckle again. There is a special grass that he called dragon grass. It makes the dragons harmless, since they love it for some reason. Hiccup used it on the Gronckle, who then pretty much fell asleep in relaxation.

After that came the Nadder again. Ther is a place at a dragons neck. If you scratch there they just fall down, doing nothing anymore. As Astrid was about to attack the dragon, he used the access to its neck to scratch it and won. Astrid was really shocked.

The Terrible Terror was next. Small but mean. Hiccup used his shield to reflect light und guide the dragon back in its cage. It's crazy that dragons can be that playful.

While this happened, more and more people came to watch and Hiccup kept getting more famous. The kids now wanted to get to know him and get tips from him. Astrid kept getting angrier. Hiccup himself just kept using excuses to not hang out with them, sometimes even using me as one.

I couldn't get mad at him though. When he told me about his training with Toothless every day, he seemed happier than I've ever seen him before. Sometimes I watched them together. Toothless and I petty much got along, though we kept pushing each other and just being mean. I really don't understand that dragon.

Then the day came and Stoick came back. When everyone told him how amazing Hiccup is, he thought he died. Was pretty funny to watch.

"He has this way with the beasts." My father told him. As if to make sure dad didn't go mad, Stoick looked at me. "It's true. He is the best in training and tomorrow is the decision about who gets to kill the nightmare. It might be him. You can be proud of him. Tell him that you are." He looked at me surprised and walked off. I really hope he does tell him that. And I really hope Hiccup has a plan for tomorrow.

The next day, everyone was gathered at the arena, watching from above. The kids were in the arena and the dragon was let go. It went as in the training lessons. Everyone was out and when Astrid went to attack the dragon, Hiccup had alreaddy knocked it out.

Dad stood in the arena with Hiccup and Astrid next to him. The eldest needed to decide who will kill the nightmare. First he held his hand above Astrids head, but Gothi shook her own. Then he held his hand above Hiccups and he was the one. He was going to kill a dragon.

Everyone was happy for him and I'm sure Stoick could explode from happiness. Hiccup tried to look happy too, but I could see how awful this was for him.

What should I do now? I'm the person he trusts the most. I should help him, but I don't know what's best for him, either, right now. If he kills the dragon, everyone would love him and he would finally not be the troublemaker anymore. On the other hand, can he even kill a dragon? I think he is too far gone for that now.

Since I didn't know what to do either, I decided to leave him alone with this. I would just confuse him more and make it even more difficult for him. Let's see what he is going to do tomorrow.

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