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"You're leaving, Hye-In-sama? Won't you come back to brothel with us?"

Hye-In rubbed the back of one of the girls' head affectionately. She's not coming home anymore, at least not for now. There were things she needed to get them done, maybe it was time for her to retire from that kind of work. After all, she had a lover now. Her eyes glanced towards the figure of Hak teasing the crying princess. "I have to protect him. I have to protect them. They're all I have and I'm all they have. Take care and make sure to send me a message once in a while."

The girls nodded and bid their goodbyes to Hye-In. Fortunately, everyone was fine, not a single scratch was on them after Yoon had properly treated them. Hye-In fixed her robe, Yoon had sewn a new one for her since her old one was teared and all tattered. She had specifically asked him to make it like a man's to easily move around. Her tall figure really did make her look like a young man, especially with her attractive face with her firm shoulders seemed broader slightly in it.

Behind her, Hak annoyingly told Yona that she wouldn't need that droopy eyed Green Dragon when she kept asking where was he. Hye-In could see Yona was having a hard time to say her farewell to the Pirate Captain. That old woman was her mother figure for the past few days, it's only natural for her to feel sad. The princess was crying and so all of the pirates. Thus, that's how the group continued their journey together with messed up Yoon, Kija and Yona. Their eyes were all swollen and red because of the cries.

Yona rubbed her eyes. In the end, she didn't get to say goodbye to Jae-Ha and Hye-In raised an eyebrow, turning her body around to look behind. As if he could read her mind, Shin-Ah immediately cut the tree behind them and a loud sound of shout was heard in the open area. Jae-Ha was found lying on the ground on his back, he was always nearby and he dared to think he was slick enough to be unseen. Maybe he can deceive Yona and Yoon but not others.

"Jae-Ha, what are you doing?"

The Green Dragon looked at Yona while smiling sheepishly. "I didn't have anything else to do, so I thought traveling with you might not be so bad. But seeing you in tears while looking for me was unbearably exciting, so here I am. I missed my chance to speak to you."

Hye-In made a face at how boldly he was. "That sounded weird. I see you're still a pervert."

The man only chuckled. "After that show you pulled on Hak and Blue Dragon last night? What kind of man would be able to hold back? On the contrary, I would say you're the most pervert here." Hearing that from him, Hak and Shin-Ah stiffened, their heads immediately switched to refreshing mode to imagine whatever was happening last night. Their expressions changed fast and Yona tilted her head cutely, no doubt she completely had no idea what kind of topic Jae-Ha was talking about.

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