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Hak felt nothing but rage towards the young lord, the one whom he once called a childhood friend. Because of him, Princess Yona didn't eat, only walked when Hye-In pulled her along by the hand. She's like a doll. His hands clenched to hide his anger. Soo-Won had destroyed the days they spent together and the princess who was his cousin. He dared to lay a hand on Hye-In. That alone thought just made him hated the young man even more.

"Huh? This is?" The raven haired guy looked down and saw his foot had stepped on a familiar hair ornament. He picked it up and hardened his eyes, pressing his lips together as Princess Yona still kept it with her. He knew that hair ornament. It's from Soo-Won. Hak went to the girls and told them that they will stay there for the night. Hye-In only nodded her head and later raised an eyebrow when Yona looked around suddenly, as if she was searching for something.

Hye-In placed her hand on hers. "What's wrong, your Highness? Did you lose something?" The younger girl quickly shook her head and Hye-In figured, it's better to leave the topic. Yona fiddled her fingers on her lap, thinking to herself whether she should find or not and Hak could see her face clearly. No matter how hurt she was, Yona still remembered her once gentle cousin who was like a brother to her.

The girl shot up and stated that she wanted to be alone for a while and left without giving Hak and Hye-In a chance to say anything. The other girl rubbed the temple of her head and pulled her legs to curl up into a ball, enjoying the heat from the fire, knowing he was looking at her. Hye-In did try her best to ignore him but her heart betrayed her. "What is it Hak?"

"I'm sorry."

Hye-In rolled her eyes and stood up. "Like that would change anything." Her hands dusted the robe and suddenly, her ears caught some hissing sounds that weren't coming from her. And the mark on her collarbone was burning her skin. She let out a wince and touched the spot, narrowing her amber eyes. "Yona-She's in danger." Hye-In cursed at her recklessness and her legs ran quickly, following her sixth sense to trace the princess.

Hak was following after her and by the time they were there, they heard Yona screaming in fright as there a snake in front of her. Hye-In snatched her hand and her amber eyes glowed. "Stay away from her." She hissed back at the snake and the reptile lowered its head as if it's showing its respect towards her. Yet, Hye-In just kept glaring at the animal, sensing its rebellion against her.

The snake bared its fangs, jerking its head forward to bite Yona and Hye-In grabbed its head barehanded. "I said, stay away from her." Her glowing eyes glared back and she threw it away. Yona ran to her and Hak looked around cautiously to make sure nothing happened. And Yona had stepped right on their nest and later, they were surrounded by snakes.

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