Locked in love

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Rumer's pov

Val and I picked Janel. Janel is a friend of mine and well there is still bad blood between the two but I have a plan. We all love Janelskiy no matter what happened. So I am going to lock them in the studio together when they both arrive. Okay this is bulletproof. Your welcome fans. I hear a door open and Janel walks in "Rue! I missed you so much!" She comes up to hug me. "Janel I missed you!" Val walks in looking all grumpy. "Okay ladies we are doing a Paso doble." I love this already. Janel and Val did a great Paso. "We are doing it to the song "Salute" by Little mix." Val said still acting like a jerk. We are starting the dance we Janel and I are back to back. The song plays and we start. We slowly circle around Val and we link arms with him and we sounds us both. Val accidentally dropped Janel. "OW OW STOP." Janel yells. "Look J I am so sorry." He sighed and walked to the other corner." I took there phones so I could leave and they couldn't call for help. "I will do get ice." I say running out. I go to the fridge and grabs lots of ice. They will be in there for a long long time. I walk back and throw the ice in the studio. I ran out and locked the door. I hear Val come up to the door. "RUMER WILLIS OPEN THE DOOR. I AM CALLING YOUR FATHER." I laugh. "Val I have your phone. And Janel's"

Val's pov

I am stuck with Janel. We have a dance to practice. I can't believe this happened. I still love Janel. It was a matter of fake love. At first. but I really do love her. I have to try to makes this right so Rumer will let us out. "Em hey Janel how is your leg." She rolls her eyes and looks at me "It's fine." I sighed "Look Janel I have to say sorry. I do have feelings for you." She glared at me. "YOU BROKE MY HEART AND TORE IT APART. THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY LOVE ME??????? NO VAL YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO ME." I have never heard her yell. It breaks my heart. I did tear her apart. I am determine to fix this. In a try of a couple hours. But no matter what I still do have feelings for her." I saw Janel trying to climb out the window. What the heck  is she doing. "Janel what are you doing?" She rolled her eyes at me again. "Leaving." I saw her she was stumbling and having a hard time. I turn away for a moment. Then I heard a scream. Janel is falling. I have to save her. I ran across the studio and caught her before she hit the ground. I got her in my arms  bridal style. "Didn't I tell you I would always catch you?" I asked her pressing my lips to hers.

Sorry it was short. I will update later. *Not responsible for Janelskiy feels*

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