What was that?

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Janel's pov

I was in Val's arms. It felt good and I missed it but I had.to play it cool. "Uh thanks for saving me." I said climbing out of hold. I banged on the door "RUMER LET ME OUT." She dindt respond. Uh Janel you are stuck in her just stay quiet maybe he wouldn't say anything to me. Well I was proven wrong. "Janel you feeling okay?" I looked over at him. "Yeah I am fine." He sighed "Janel stop with this whole playing hard to get, I save you then you leave me. It's not fair why can't I know what your thinking?" "Val just please leave me alone." I walked into a corner and sat there alone for about 5 minutes then picked me up. "Janel we have to talk this through." He threw me over his shoulder and I started screaming my head off "Janel shush you are fine." Val said trying to put me down with getting kicked where the sun don't shine. Just then someone walked in.

Sadie's pov

I walk in and Janel is screaming her head off. Then I see Val and Janel together. I think I am aware of what's going on. "Uh guys what is going on?" They both looked at me. "Uh Rumer locked us in here." Val replied looking nervous. I knew about Rumer's plan. "Uhh okay. Just don't get pregnant guys." I said walking away and closing the door. "NO SADIE DON'T LOCK IT." They both screamed. "Bye guys." Yeah it's time for Mark, Willow and I to rehearse our salsa. I know everybody sees me as cute and innocent but I am 18 know so I can do this. I walked back in the studio. "So Janel and Val are okay?" Mark asked. "Yeah totally." I ensured them both. We are going a Salsa to "Fireball" By Pitbull. "Alright birds let's start." We practiced our salsa. It was a good dance and really fun. I can't wait to show America who is back.

Val's pov

"Good job moron, now we are stuck again." Janel said getting all sassy. "Why is this my fault?" "You shouldn't have let Sadie and Rumer lock is in here." She said obviously ticked off. "Alright fine. He need to work this out Janel." She looked at me and just shook her head. "You broke my heart Val." I grabbed her hands and pulled her close. "Janel I am so sorry. You are right at first it was fake love. But now it's skinny love. I know you still love me Janel. I know I messed up and broke you heart but I will spend the rest of my life putting it back together."


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