I knew you were trouble

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Nastia's pov

After I kissed Derek I went to my car. Matthew was waiting for me there. "Hey babe" I said hopping in and kissing him. He smirked at me and we drove to my house. When we got there. He pulled me in and leaned me against the wall and kissed me long and sweet. We went upstairs never breaking contact. We went to bed. "Goodnight love." He said kissing me on the forehead. "Goodnight babe." Dear God help me.

Derek's pov

We have one day until our trio dance. The girls are doing great but we need to push their limits. The girls walked in we practiced long and hard Nastia kept messing up. We have to keep trying. I still haven't decided who I am going to pull the final move with. I am going to ask Bethany on a date one more time to be sure. We practiced for another half hour. "Hey Derek can we take a break." Nastia asked looking tired. I sighed. "Yeah take 5." She ran out quite quickly. "Hey Beth on was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out on a date with me tonight?" She looks over and smiled at me. "I would love too" I smiled widely "Great, dress warm and cute. Like always." I said winking at her.

Nastia's pov

I ran out as soon as Derek said i could go. I saw Matthew waiting for me. "Hey gorgeous." He approached me and leaned me against the wall and we kissed for a good 10 minutes until Derek called. "Hey where are you?" He asked kinda angry. "Uh sorry I was taking a walk be there in about 4 minutes." I hung up and kissed Matthew goodbye. "See ya later babe." I ran to the studio. We practiced for another hour. Derek decided to end it and went home. I went home and Matthew was there waiting for me.

Derek's pov

I got ready for my date with Bethany. I checked myself in the mirror and drove to her house. "Hi you look stunning." I said. But it's true she looked flawless. She giggled and took my hand. "Where are we going?" I laughed "Bethany it's a surprise." I lead her to this wonderful moonlit area. "A PICNIC." I knew she loved pinics. "Only for you Bethany." We talked for hours about the dance, youtube, each other and life in general. She is so sweet. We decided it was time to go home. We walked home and I dropped her off and her porch. She was about to walk in her house but I stopped her. "Bethany wait in forgot something." I grabbed her arm and I kissed her. It felt like heaven. "Goodnight Derek." She said slowly letting go of my hand. I decide to go on a walk alone. When I was walking alone I thought about everything. Bethany and Nastia. We kissed last night but she has been acting funny lately. I stroll through the quiet area looking at the moon. Suddenly I hear kissing and a man and women's voice. I look in the bushes and saw something that shocked me. I saw Nastia and Matthew making out. I should I have known. I knew she was trouble.

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