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Anon Pov

Today was the day of the show. Everybody did the trio's and America's choice dances. Everybody was practicing the dances and gmr.etting make up and hair done. For this is the night of choices, tears and love. Why better way to start the night with America's choice dances. Everybody did well on the dances. But these next 45 minutes are going to be different.

Willow's pov

We are up first for the trio dance. I am so happy we got Sadie she is so fun and amazing to be with And is killing this Salsa. Tom announced us and we begin. The song started playing " Mr.worldwide to infinity you know the roof on fire." The song played and we danced our routine Sadie killed her solo. When it was time at the song we picked up Sadie and threw her in the air and caught her. We swapped places and they threw me. Mark must of gotten mind busy with Witney over in the skybox because he didn't catch me. But Sadie did just in time. We did a little shimmy and Sadie and I ended doing the splits. "There you have it the trio salsa." Tom announced.  It was time for the judges comments. "What a good dance great to have you back Sadie. You killed it." Julianne said smiling. "Len." Tom said letting him talk "It was great to have a salsa that was PG. Sadie it's great to have you back. We all love you." Cari Ann spoke "YOU GUYS KILLED IT. Sadie you aren't rusty. Trust me." I was Bruno's turn."SO AMAZING THE BIRDS ARE BACK AND IN FIERECE MODE NOT EVEN THE MARK CAN STOP THE SALSA DANCING BIRDS." Everybody laughed. "Okay let's get your scores." Carri Ann- Innaba-10 Len Goodman- 10 Julianne Hough-10  Bruno Tonoili- 10. A PERFECT SCORE SAY WHAT? We all hugged and ran upstairs.

Janel's pov

It was time for us to go and dance our Paso. We start in our positions Me facing the skybox, Val on my right facing the judges and Rumer on his right facing the skybox. "Ladies all across the world listein up were looking for recruits if your with me let me see your hands stand up and salute." When the song said Salute Val gave a Salute. We continued to Dance. Rumer killed it. We waved our skirts around being powerful. I am pulling a move that nobody would dare to do. When the dance ended I killed Val behind the stairs and pull him for a kiss. "Valentin I would always take you back." I dindt give him time to say anything I pulled him out of the stairs and to Rumer and the judges. We all for great comments and how they were glad I was back and we had so much power. We ran up the skybox "So Janel and Val what was going on behind the stairs?" Erin asked. We both looked at each other. "It was part of the dance." Erin looked at use funny. "Alright let's get your scores."

10,9,9,10 38/40. Killed it. We are cheered for doing so well.

Witney's pov

It was time for us to dance. I can't focus on anything but Mark. I love him so much. We started the music and I started dancing with Chris. Then we twirled me to Chris I switched on and off. Then we got in a triangle and we did some of the moves. We finished the dance and the boys nailed it. We got good scores 9,10,10,10. But I couldn't wait to get to Mark. I ran up to him and hugged him. I saw him crying Mark never cries. "Babe what's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around him and he finally spoke after 5 minutes. "I let Willow down. I was lucky Sadie caught her or else we would have to do and call 911." I looked at him with sympathy. "Babe it's okay she is safe and you guys got a Perfect score. Don't worry she is okay."

Derek's pov

It was our time. We got on the floor and we danced. I grabbed Nastia and spun her around. I grabbed Beth and did the same thing. I can't decided who I am choosing. I have to go with my heart but I can't focus 100 percent. The time came to choose. I pull Bethany. "I choose you." She looked at me with excitement. She knew what I meant. We kissed and motough fans went nuts. The judges think I dindt focus as much causing us to be 8,7,88. But I got Beth and she is mine. I avoided talking to people are grabbed Bethany and here we just talk for hours in a studio alone.

Nastia's pov

Alright he choose Bethany cool. But I had Matthew waiting for me. I avoided Derek and went home. I got ready to go clubbing. I brought myself to wear a little black dress and curl my hair with some makeup. I met him and the club and we talked and drank. The song "Somebody" came on and we danced. After the song we took more shots. More dancing until about one in the morning when we both knew we were drunk as heck. Well he took me home. Drunk driving is dumb but we dindt care. We made it home safe and when we got to the house. He pushed me against the wall and we had a little make out session. God know s what will happen next. And by morning I will not know a thing. That's what sucks when you mix love and alcohol.

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