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Narrators Pov:
Sunday morning, phil was out in the hallway taking his stuff out of his locker. "Wait! Phil!" Bolivia came running and held phils arm, "Please, stay!" "Don't go!" His friends surrounded him from all sides, he ignored it and shut the locker then walked pass them, "Phil, please! Listen to us, we don't want to lose you!" "Just please! Don't leave!..." The countries continued shouting and yelling him to not leave, phil getting annoyed he turned around.

Philippines Pov:
"Can you all stop?!" I yelled, "There's nothing you can say to me that'll make me change my mind." "Phil..-" I turned around and started running away, "WAIT!" I didn't turn around, continuing to run.

My eyes were shut tightly, I couldn't see what was infront of me..

No one's Pov:
Phil continued running not knowing what was infront of him... But then..
The sound of someting crashed onto something hard...hard like metal.

It was Phil, he ran through an open locker. He fell on the floor, his eyes open slightly, his vision blurry. The last thing he saw was.. America?.. he couldn't see clearly, it was blurry for him, his eyes shut. Body lying on the floor while someone was next to him, his head hurting from the pain.

3rd Person Pov:
We were running to phils direction to just see America shaking Phil, trying to wake him up, "Phil! Phil wake up!" We heard America shout, ",what happened?!" Vietnam rushed over,"He was running, he couldn't see where he was going I think then boom! He ran through the open locker.." "what?! Why did you not close it!" "I just got out here in the hallway!" The two started arguing.

"Can you two stop?! America, carry him and take him to the clinic!" Peru yelled, we see America nod and watch as he lifted phil up, carrying him. "I'm coming..." We heard Russia say, "What? Since when did you care about him?"..

"Is it that bad for me to go with him?" "Well.. not really." "We're just shocked that you uh... Care-"..

No one's Pov:
Russia rolled his eyes and followed America, they were heading towards the clinic while the rest just stood there... Hoping phil would be ok..

While walking, Russia was beside America, "Why did you want to uh... Follow me ?" "I just wanted to see Phil.." "but I thought you didn't care? I mean, you're cold." "Just because I'm cold, doesn't mean I don't care for others.." America rolled his eyes, "especially, I care for Phil..." He said underneath his breath, "what?" "Nothing." ...

After moment's Both of them walked inside, imminently, the nurses went to assist them. "Is there a problem sir's?" "Yes...our friend hit his head hard on the locker will running.." "oh my... Don't worry, we have lots of rooms, please follow me." The nurse started walking with the two following her.

Inside, America laid Phil down on the bed while he backed away, the nurses attached the ventilator on Phil, watching the screen as they saw that his heart beat was normal, "Why add that? He only hit his head hard..." "Sir, we have to add it to make sure he get enough oxygen into your blood, it maybe a small thing, but it is needed."
America went quite, "All is doing well, he's heartbeat seems normal.., I'll be right back sir's." The nurse left the room and shut the door, Russia walked close to phil and sat a chair next to him.

America walked towards another chair from the other side of the bed, sitting down.

"I wonder why was he running..." "He was running because he was... Leaving." America looked at Russia stunned, "He was leaving?! Why?!" "You're and idiot, aren't you?" "Of course not." "Whatever.. he was leaving because of .. everyone.." "everyone? Even us?.." "Yes."

The Russian sighed and looked at Phil, the sight of the Filipino was worry some. America looked at phil and placed his hand on phils forehead slowly patting it.

Phil moved slightly, "I.. I want to go.. home.." Phils voice sounded so different, it sounded like he was in pain.. which he was due to his head, slowly breathing..

"Hey, it's going to be alright.." America said trying to tell phil that he'll be fine, "..Cold.." phil said in pain, Russia hitched the blanket up so it was on phils shoulder level.

America then felt his hand being burnt, he took it off and realized that Phil was getting sick, his forehead was getting hotter, he had a fever.

"Russia, I think he has a fever..." "That isn't good.." America nodded, "I'll get the nurse." Russia stood up and walked away leaving America alone with Phil.

Phil opened his eyes slightly, the only thing he saw was blurred out, America stood up and was going to leave but he was stopped, ".. please, stay.. I don't want to be... Alone.."

The American sighed and smiled than sat back down, holding phils hand. "Everything will be alright Phil, we've got you.."

"America..?" "Yes Phil?" "Promise me.." "hm?" "Promise me that when I'm gone.. please let me go.." "Phil, what do you mean when you're gone?"

He held America's hand tightly, "Just.. Please..-" phil closed his eyes, his heart rate monitor went of, his hand slowly unwind and was weak. The American stood up and turned his head to see the monitor line was straight signing that he wasn't breathing no longer..

"Phil?! Phil wake up!" America started shaking phil, "What happened?!" Russia came running inside with some nurses, "He- he's isn't breathing!" "what?!" The Russian was then pushed aside by a nurse, "Please exit the room! We will handle this.." the nurse said while checking his pulse, "WAIT!-" America and Russia got pushed out as they watched the door close, they both stood up. America banging on the door with tears slowly forming... "America, stop. It's no use..." "I need to.. to.." he fell on his knees whil tears fall from his eyes,
"Let's just hope he'll be alright.."

[6 hour's later]

A nurse walked out seeing some countries waiting, "Well? How is he?.." Peru asked while rubbing his neck, "I'm sorry..." "sorry?" The countries looked at the nurse, "I'm sorry.. your friend didn't make it.."

Peru's eyes widen as he was about to fall, luckily Mexico caught him on time. "I-... No.. no.. no!, This can't be true!.." the nurse excused herself and walked away.

Inside, Phil's body was covered with a blanket, after the nurses bowed down to pay respect and soon left, the countries we're allowed to see him but...

Nothing was right anymore...
Everything.. started to.. blur?..

A loud gasp was heard.

End of chapter.
Plot twist? Plot twist.

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