|1| Don't be late, USA.

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Meetings were never the USA's favorite, in fact, he hated them. Not because it was too much trouble to travel to the UN headquarters (from his New York all the way to his father's land) or the fact he left his (very chaotic) states alone. No, it was because he didn't want to see some specific countries.

Speaking of that, ahead of him was Spain, who didn't like him for obvious reasons. Right next to the Spanish country was Portugal, who he didn't mind too much.

Spain scowled once he realized who was in front of him, causing the American's heart to skip a beat. Portugal gave a small smile, full of pity, and a small wave of just her hand.

They passed the US without anymore interactions, much to his relief, but that made him wonder where he was going. What was he doing again?

Oh, yeah, he was walking to the restrooms to lay his head in his hands and calm his nerves. He had gone into the meeting room earlier than usual, before the meeting even started, and sat down.

(Un)Lucky for him, others came early too.

One of these, others, was Russia. The US grimaced at the thought of that man. It wasn't that he hated Russia, he just didn't like him that much. At all. Russia was too cocky, too arrogant, too hung up on the damn past.

They didn't make any conversation verbally, Russia just... Looked at him in such an odd way, something that the USA could only describe as hatred. It was almost like he could make the US relive the Depression with a single glare. He then realized that others were staring at him too, he didn't know why, but he couldn't take it anymore and silently walked out of the room.  You could say he was overwhelmed.

Fortunately, when he arrived to the restroom, (not that countries had to let out excrement) nobody was there except for him. He walked into a stall and started to think about his trip here and what it took to even be present in this building.

The states had their own homes in each one of their states, but some chose to stay with the US in New York (California, Nevada, Florida, Delaware, Louisiana, Georgia, Wyoming, Kentucky, and New York).

California simply didn't like to be from her father for too long. Nevada wanted to be with his favorite sibling, California. The US took Florida by force, saying he was "Too chaotic" to be left alone, despite the southern state's protests. Delaware, being the first state and the oldest, simply wanted to help their poor father with the states. Louisiana just... Wanted to be there. Georgia came because of Florida, she said her brother needs her. Wyoming said her state was too boring. Kentucky was only going to be there for a little while, mostly because of all the flooding going on in his state. New York switched between houses, it really depended on how he was feeling.

Sometimes Pennysylvania and Oregon came to the house too, but they were dealing with problems in their own states.

The US remembers Delaware getting the mail and waving it in the air while they ran to their father.

"Dad, dad! Get up!" They spoke, their voice louder than their usual soft spoken tone. "I think this is a letter from your..." They paused to let themself think, wondering what to even call UN. "Boss?"

The USA smiled a little at is (favorite, don't tell anyone) child. Before finally processing what Delaware had said.

"Oh," His smile declined and his eyebrows became furrowed. "What does he want this time?"

Delaware opened their mouth to respond, but was quickly cut off by Nevada, who randomly appeared from nowhere.

"Probably a meeting or some shit," He scoffed, rolling his eyes while doing so.

"Hey, Nev! Language!" They barked at their sibling, their right eye twitching a little. "And stop just, teleporting, behind me!"

"Stop acting all pushy, you're not my dad," Nevada spat out, his 'emo' phase had not gone away yet, he still has the mind of a teenager.

US chuckled a little at their bickering. While they were still arguing, Delaware had dropped the letter from their hand and it was now comfortably resting on the floor.

He opened the letter, wondering why UN didn't email him, call him, or whatever. It was like that damn man was stuck in the 1950s.

It read:

"United States of America, there is an important meeting that you must attend. No exceptions, no excuses, nothing. I do not want a repeat.
Don't be late, USA."

The American squinted his eyes through his sunglasses at the words, it had that stupid logo at the bottom, and—

"DAD! HELP!" He heard a scream, jumping up, it sounded like Kentucky. "FLORIDA'S BURNING DOWN THE KITCHEN!"

He ran over to the direction of the voice, which was the kitchen, and came upon a sight that gave him a feeling of pure terror. The large kitchen had a red tint to it, the island and stove and microwave and—oh God, everything was on fire.

Thinking about his states had made USA feel better, he sighed and took off his sunglasses, shutting his eyes tightly so he couldn't see anything beforehand.

How long was he in this stall anyways? He wanted to be early, and he shouldn't  mess this up. He got his phone from his pocket, quickly turning it on to look at the time.

It was 12:27.

The meeting started at 12.




sorry if there are any mistakes here n there im not hp Lovecraft or edgar allan poe

hmm I wonder how edgar allan poe would write about two personified countries fucking

nvm no I don't


(1001 words)

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