|2| Why does everyone have a staring problem?

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me when I see I got EIGHT reads on my first chapter
also I forgot to mention, every drawing and the cover is made by my friend (unless stated otherwise) from discord

I also changed the title of the book

sorry for being annoying and the long a/n, now on with the chapter


These halls were always so hard to navigate in, he always got lost and stuck in different places. How the hell did he get into a room filled with only toasters?

The headquarters building was always huge, the USA couldn't even fathom how UN stayed in this place.

Hallway through hallway, room after room, he was probably going to be the last one to arrive at the meeting. It was like he was going in circles, hadn't he seen that map before?

Wait, map?

Oh my God, no wonder there's a stereotype that all Americans are stupid, how did he miss that damn thing? It was a map of the entire building, the floors, everything.

He looked to the side of the map, noticing the basket with miniature versions of the large piece of paper. He snatched one and quickly opened it up, examining it from behind the sunglasses.

It turns out he somehow got three floors lower than the floor where the meeting was. How the hell?

He speed-walked through the halls, and quickly got into one of the elevators, pressing the button of the floor that had the meeting in it.

He sighed, and put his back to the wall of the elevator. He's going to get yelled at, it was 12:42.

He watched the number go up, finally. Though, it stopped.

The USA regained his formal posture, somebody was going to enter the elevator, maybe a worker? A country that's as late as hi? Maybe—

It opened, the person who was about to enter was small, most likely had the shape of a teenage female. They were obviously an organization or country of some kind due to their color-white skin.

As soon as they looked up from their clipboard to walk into the elevator, they noticed the US, and he knew exactly who that was.

The World Trade Organization, WTO for short. A pretty young woman who had just formed at the start of 1995. She was known for her sharp and quiet (yet very judging) personality.

"America," She squinted her eyes at him. "They've been looking for you, late again, I see." Her judging voice aggravated the USA, and he spoke;

"Shouldn't you be at the meeting as well?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes while she walked into the elevator with USA, not having to press another button because they were going to the same floor. "No," In a matter-of-fact tone. "I was getting some documents for UN, you know I would never be late,"

"Of course," The US spoke through his teeth, he tried his best not to strangle the young organization, she always tried her best to annoying him every time they met.

The elevator ride was literally painful, despite neither of them talking, there was a piercing sound in his ear. Not to mention it felt like two hours when it was only about twenty seconds.

They finally arrive at the floor, WTO left first, allowing the USA to let out a sigh of relief.  He muttered, "Oh my god," to himself before exiting as well, looking back at the miniature map.

All he had to do was take two left turns, then one right, then one—ugh, this was the worst.

Following the map, he tried not to get sidetracked with whatever he found interesting on this floor and finally came to a large door with a label on it,

United Nations Meeting Room

He stared at it for a bit, it was 12:45 and he was very late.

Hesitantly, he opened the door slowly, he could hear someone, most likely UN talking, but pausing as soon as USA opened the door. Suddenly, almost everyone's eyes were on him, he could tell each one of them stared for different reasons, but it didn't change that they were staring.

"United States of America," UN coughed, "I thought I made it obvious in the letter I sent you that you would not be late."

USA blinked, "Well—"

"I'm dissapointed in you."

That triggered something in the US, the familiar words made him upset. He frowned.

"Sorry, sir," He sighed.

"Apologies will get you nowhere here, sit down."

The USA processed his words and looked around for an empty seat, it would probably be his.

As usual, his seat was between Canada and Australia, his brothers. He walked over to it and sat himself down in the chair. UN started to talk again, but the American could only think about what he had said to him.

"Ey', mate," Australia nudged him and whispered. "Don't give a shit about what that fucker says, this meeting has been hella' rough."

Canada, hearing the conversation, joined in, "Yeah," He tried comforting his brother. "but Ame, you really missed a lot."

Suddenly a loud voice came from UN, "Is there something you want to share with the rest of us?"

All three of their heads suddenly shot up, Canada speaking first. "No sir, we're sorry." He quickly spoke, hoping to stop Australia from cursing out UN.

America didn't say anything, he just sighed and put his head down. Only starting to listen in on what UN was saying when he heard his own name.

"Now that our United States of America has finally arrived, I can start to talk about the reason you all have been summoned here on such a short notice, which I apologize for." UN announced. "There's been some issues with all of you countries, though I'm quite sure that you all have not realized it yet."

"Can you just tell us already? Seriously, we feel like you're stalling—" A masculine voice that USA recognized as Chile groaned, before he suddenly cut himself off with an "OW!". The cause of this 'ow' was probably Peru hitting his head, given from the loud thump.

UN sighed, "You are somewhat correct, I am sorry for that, but this is quite a hard subject to break to you all."

"JUST SAY IT—" Another loud thump sound was heard, cutting Chile off again. "¡MIERDA!"

UN sighed once more. "Every country is dying."

Surprisingly, the US wasn't all that phased, more so just confused and tired, so he kept his head down. The room was silent for about ten seconds after UN spoke, before it erupted into chatter and arguing.

All the USA could hear was bickering and cries and whatever the other countries were babbling about. Australia, on his left, was one of those countries and Canada just stared at UN, trying to process the words.

The Canadian readjusted the 'toque' he was wearing and shifted his gaze to his brother, "Eh, Ame," He blinked, "Did I hear that right?

"Ughh, justshutupmyheadhurts." The USA groaned.

"Okay then," Canada sighed.

"Everybody, stop talking!" UN spoke in a loud, harsh, tone. "I will explain the details as of why and when this started, but please be patient with me!" Everyone suddenly quieted down.

The USA was tired of all of this talking, he didn't even care about what UN had to say.

His head hurt, and he wanted to go home.


I hope you like the art that my friend made at the top, she didn't draw them as balls this time
there will probably be a drawing every chapter based off of a scene, this one's was based off of WTO and ame's interaction

I promise there will be more interactions between Russia and America in the next few chapters, but hey everyone is like, dying, and we only have little time for personified countries being gay

(1333 words)

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