|5| We can explain...

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I love Eli (and edenn) so much and they're amazing artists, props to them for carrying this shitty fanfic

ALSO ALSO ALSO VERY IMPORTANT THING THAT I FORGOT TO MENTION: the real world shit with Ukraine and Russia rn isn't happening and won't happen, also covid doesn't exist either which is kind of confusing but still

Shitty was the only word to describe how he felt. It was like a hangover without drinking the night before. Not to mention the fact that he ended up in a bed that was, in fact, not his.

He groaned and realized he was still wearing his sunglasses and his NATO shirt from yesterday. The room looked similar to his own, but it was decorated with green flowers.

The floor was a dark wooden one, the walls were painted a light gray, and the ceiling was covered in LED lights that he wasn't able to notice earlier because they weren't turned on. It was so similar to his own, yet it felt so much more peaceful and‐

"HOLY SHIT!" The Russian-like accent made America wince, it was obviously from Ukraine. "AHHH! Беларусь*, you dickhead!"

*It was a good thing that the US knew a little Russian. The person Ukraine was talking to was most likely Belarus.

Ukraine and his siblings, like Russia, always spoke in Russian to each other despite having languages of their own. America guessed it just made things easier. They were currently screaming at each other in English with a little bit of Russian.

"So loud! Shut up, not my fault Казахстан's* vings arrre so FUCKING huge!" Belarus, he could only guess, yelled back.


"HEY, DON'T BLAME ME! AT LEAST I'M HELPING, UNLIKE SOMEONE!" He could only guess that that voice came from Kazakhstan.

"I hate this." It was a murmur, though America could hear it. This voice was masculine and not Russian-like, he got curious, who else would hang around them? Then, the voice spoke once more: "Ukraine, that flower makes you look like a cut sleeve*."

*(A Chinese word based on the story of a homosexual emperor that's used to describe a (usually male) homosexual, though it's not used too much modernly. it's derogatory in this sense)

Ah, he should've figured that it was China.

"What the hell does that even mean you asshole!?" Ukraine yelled back at him.

America sighed and got out of the comfortable bed that he was resting on, wondering what the hell was going on out there.


The sight, smell, whatever, everything about the scene was horrifying.

Somehow, the four countries that he was eavesdropping on earlier were making the most out of the kitchen that the UN gave them.

Belarus was running around with a pan in her hand, her scarf was on fire while she was screaming. Ukraine was desperately blowing on the charcoal-colored circles that were on the cookie sheet. Kazakhstan was trying to pick up things, though his wings just knocked them over again. And China was... standing there doing nothing.

Everything was broken, smoke was everywhere, and the USA thinks he saw the light at that very moment.

America cleared his throat; "Hello?" and the chaos stopped.

Kazakhstan's wings drooped, Ukraine looked up, and Belarus stopped screaming (only after taking off her scarf). Even China looked at him.

"Чего*?" Belarus stared.

*('What?' in a more polite tone)

"Что за хуйня*." Kazakhstan blinked.

*('What the fuck.' in a rude tone)]"

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