|6| Sorry I killed your dad.

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that feeling when Eli and edenn blow up on TikTok and me,  who barely uses TikTok, got left out... (Joking, I'm in some of their posts, just not the account)
but seriously, God, check them out!!!!! it's so cool


As it turned out, Michigan did not know what to say. She made everything worse.

It went something along these lines:

"Michigan, have you been checking on Alaska, Hawaii, and the Dakota twins? Did the ones staying with me go back to their states?" The American asked, desperate for some good news that would calm him down.

"No," Michigan responded.


"I said no."

"You---wait---Michigan? No to what?"

"I forgot to check on them, and..." Before she could finish, there was a loud crashing noise from her end of the phone.

"Michigan. What, was that?"

"Oh, every single state has come to the main house in York, we even invited DC."

"Oh my god."

"It's a huge party, we even got alc' and shit."


"Sorry, pops, but this the happiest I've been since the Depression ended."

"Mi--" He started, but was cut off by his daughter hanging up. On him!

So, the USA was pretty damn upset. What else could he do to relieve stress?

Drink? No, that was stupid. Vent all of his thoughts into writing? A diary was too kid-like. Maybe both? The drinking would take the childish part away from the diary, and the diary would take the stupid part away from drinking.

He was so smart.

So, he got a glass of‐‐specifically, red--wine, and the expensive-looking notebook with a hard cover on it that the UN gave every country. It was probably to make notes about the important shit going on, but who cares about dying? Why would he even think about his possible near-death? He should just focus on writing, he always liked to write.

Shit, he'd gotten off track, wandering into his selfish thoughts. He'd been doing that too much, and he's doing it again, thinking about this. Damn it!

He sighed, drinking from the glass and getting a pencil out. He plopped onto the couch and stared at the notebook for a minute. What should he write about?

Everything. He'd write about everything.

The words came as if they belonged on the page--like the notebook paper was made specifically to capture the United States of America's thoughts.

He had written about the letter, being late, the stares, Russia, Colombia, Michigan, and even things that hadn't happened recently. He wrote about how the Depression still had effects imprinted on him. He wrote about his father, his split personality, and how much he hated him. He wrote about his late mother. He wrote about many things, everything he could think of.

It felt nice to let everything off of his chest.

Though he began to write more, he got cut off about an hour in. There was a quiet knock on the door.

He sighed, laying down the pencil and closing the book. He made sure to keep it in a safe place (under his pillow).

"...Hi!" Ukraine greeted the US after he opened the door, awkwardly. "Ve--me and--ve have a--ve vanted to," He stammered.

Kazakhstan, who was standing right beside him. "Ve arrre sorrry, goodbye." Ukraine dramatically turned his head towards Kazakhstan because he cut him off. America wasn't able to see the rest, and Kazakhstan slammed the door right after.

Luckily, the wingless one of the two opened the door again, his expression a little less kind. "Ve vanted to apologize, I vas not thinking--"

"Being a dumbass."

"--about the actions of me. I shouldn't have made zat mistake." Ukraine's eye twitched at the remark from the other but ignored it. "Also, UN vanted us to inforrrm you zat zerrre vill be another meeting tomorrrow at 15h00."

"That's 3 PM for you dumbass американский," Kazakhstan added.

"God, why arrre you acting so rrrude!? You weren't like this before!"


"...Oh god" Ukraine pinched the bridge of his nose. "Rrremember, don't be late."

America nodded. "Yeah yeah, I got it. Now go away, sorry I killed your dad." He slammed the door before he could hear their response. That was dumb of him to say. Sorry, he killed their dad? That was the top thing on the 'things not to say to Russia's group of people's list.

Yes, he made a list.


this chapter was going to be a lot more interesting but I turned it into a filler... sorry!!

it's short and I needed something to post while I worked on the next chapter (which will be preeeetty long)

(784 words)

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