|11| Jealousy

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bro i love edenn's drawings so much lOOK AT RUSSIA'S SIDEEYE

this chapter is just me trying to figure out what Russia's feelings are

it's nice to have a change in perspective sometimes (plese agre)


If Russia had one-hundred rubles* for every time that stupid American knocked on his door, he would have two hundred (or three hundred, he can't remember). It isn't too much, but it's way more ruble than he wanted.

(*: Russian currency)

He had said 'What' so many times to that American. So many times. America was so needy and needed to stop relying on others, or more specifically, Russia himself. It was driving him mad. Since then, every time he had heard a knock on his door, he expected it to be his neighbor. He tried to ignore the small pinch of disappointment he felt whenever it wasn't the United States. He couldn't be thinking like that.

More to that, he wouldn't shut up. The walls of the apartments were thin and he could be heard talking on the phone. Russian could hear him at *two in the morning*. That American never slept, if he didn't detest the man, he would almost be worried about him.

That brings him to where he was, cooking purely out of boredom. Trying to pass the time in this miserable apartment that he (stupidly) chose to stay in for the next few months. Why didn't he take the smart option and go back to Moscow? Because he was an idiot. An idiot who selfishly just wanted to be involved in meetings.

And of course, his thoughts just *had* to be interrupted by a knock on his door. He let out an audible groan and walked to his door, creaking it only slightly open.

Japan? As soon as he saw her, his motivation to even open the door died a little; he was expecting someone else.

"...Russia, uh," She cleared her throat. Russia couldn't blame her for being nervous, they had a horrible history with each other. "...Have you seen Ame-k—Uh, I mean, America?"

About a week ago, they had a light conversation while in the US's apartment. They were mostly silent the whole time (though that was probably because Japan was asleep for half of it).

"No." Good to get the message across in one word.

Japan awkwardly looked to her side. "W...Well he's been gone for a while. Like, I don't know where he's been or what he's doing. I thought I'd ask since you're... well, his friend?"

Russia's face probably twitched as she said that. "Friend?"

Japan perked up a little. "Yeah, friends! I--Kami, when we last talked--that night, yeah, as... as soon as I left, I started to, uh, check on my socials--cause you to know how I use Twitter a lot, ha--"

"Get to the point."

"Yeah! Sorry, I... I didn't *mean* to *eavesdrop*, I just... overheard you two joking and laughing. You two..." Her voice and overall expression softened. "You sounded like really good friends."

Russia didn't want to say anything to that. He didn't *have* anything to say to that. "Can you leave?"

"...Don't you want to help me find out where he is?" Japan pouted. "Please. Nobody's wanted to help me... him being America after all. I even asked Canada, and he said he was doing his 'beauty routine'."

Russia sighed. "You are sure you want *my* help?"

A small part of him wanted to help her, mostly out of pity but also because he had nothing else to do and whatever he was cooking had already burnt by the time he was done talking to her. And he didn't want to clean it up.

"Yes. Certain."

"Where are we going? I follow directions well."


They had gone through many different strategies, and so far, the best was each going to every other door. They hadn't gotten anywhere until they made it to the highest floor.

Nobody stayed there, it was more just an area for tourists to visit (which rarely happened). There were multiple rooms though. Japan and Russia had gone through what seemed like a maze until they found a small room with the American in it.

Russia looked to his side at Japan, but she was already gone.


"Japan! Wait a sec, look," America never took his eyes (he presumed since he looked spaced out of his mind even with the sunglasses on) off of what was going on outside the window once. "Isn't the sun setting so awesome? European sunsets last for so much longer and show up so much later than mine. It lets me appreciate them more."

Japan sat down next to him, and Russia couldn't help but look at the sunset himself. The orange and pink colored sky and the perspective of the sun setting from so high up made him feel a warm, familiar feeling.

"Woah, this is really sappy, Ame." Japan blurted, ruining the silence.

"Shut up. I just get a nice feeling from this."

"Oh, I also brought Russia."

Russia felt awkward with her talking about him when he was literally right behind them.

The American turned around, finally taking his eyes off the sunset and onto Russia. "Oh," the US acknowledged, "and why is he here again?"

"Bored. Didn't want to take care of cooking responsibility." He answered.

"...Don't know what that means, but sure."

The American yawned and stood up, stretching a little before deciding to walk back to the door. "Now that my special spot has been ruined, I'll be going back to my room."

"Really?" Japan quickly stood up and rushed over to walk beside him. Russia thought that walking with them as well would be weird, and he didn't like the thought of it, but he didn't like the thought of walking alone either. He decided he would walk behind them and maybe say a few words.

He didn't end up saying anything. The entire walk back was just weird. It was like a podcast, with all of Japan and the American's talking. The way they conversed was so smooth; their conversations were so flowy and natural. No wonder they were such good friends.

It pained Russia a little. He couldn't talk to anyone like that, especially not the American. What if he *was* able to? Would he also laugh and joke with the other without it getting awkward after a while?

"I wonder if there's... like," Japan started, her English was perfect, only a slight accent in her voice. She never forgot English words like Russia. "a personified version of the sun. I mean, since we're personified countries, it might be possible. I'm right? Right?"

"I don't think that'd be a thing," The American responded. "I mean, I don't know of a personified version of Earth‐-unless there's something we as people aren't being told."

"But we *are* the highest government officials possible of our countries, aren't we? Who would know, if not us? The only ones above us would be the organizations, but even then, only a few would be counted above us, like UN, ASEAN..."

As they talked, he felt a tinge of an uncertain, unfamilar feeling.


this chapter took me two months to post
excuses: writer's block happened at the same time that BOTH Eli and edenns artist block

sorry guys pls don't kill me im sory

also im too lazy to fix the italics since i originally made this chapter in notes so just deal with the astericks for now

(1331 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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