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Marshall Spring, a 17 year old sophomore with brown hair, as he just transferred to Truham High School, and as a new student he tends to get lost on his first day but luckily his sister was a senior there so she knows the place "Lil bro, glad you're here, need help?" His sister who is 2 years older than Marshall and has brunette hair, Everest Spring, asked him "Yeah, thanks I'm looking for this room" he asked her as he showed his schedule "Ahh, that's quite near come on'' her sister said as they walked to his room "So, see any cute boys?" she asked, causing him to blush hard "SIS!" he said, covering his face "What?" his sister chuckled "You're gay, right?" she then asked.

"Well, yeah but..." he covered his face again, still blushing, slowly looking around his surroundings. "Well, they're okay, but I don't think they're the one for me, but yeah they look fine" he said, uncovering his face "Ok, so you're-" she got cut off as a girl bumped her "Omg, I'm sorry!" the girl apologized "Oh, it's you Ev, hi!" the girl said blushing a little "H-hey Skye! This is my brother, Marshall, he just transferred here and I'm guiding him to his room which is at B25" Everest said also blushing "They're in love" Marshall thought to himself. You see, Everest is pansexual and his little brother is gay. Everest came out to her parents when she was just 16 and Marshall on the other hand came out just last year.

"So what's up Skye?" Everest said smiling "Nothing, just wanna see my bestie" Skye said as they both laughed "I'll see you later at lunch, got to take my brother to his room first" "Okay, see ya!" Skye said as she left "That's Skye, Skye Brooks, my best friend since freshman" Everest continued, sighing dreamily "She's so pretty" she whispered "What?" her brother said, obviously confused , "Uhh, nothing, anyway, let's go?" Everest continued as they also went to the room but while walking "Sis?" Marshall asked her "Yeah?" she answered a little confused "Do you like Skye~?" he teased, smirking as his sister just blushed "Uhh... yeah, but like I said, we've been friends since freshman and I don't want to tell her because I'm afraid that I might ruin our friendship and even though she told me she's lesbian there's no way she'd like me, she's just too perfect" she said almost in tears, Marshall noticed so he hugged her "Sorry for asking sis" he said as he felt his sister hug back "Oh, we're here, see you at lunch Marsh!" his sister said as they waved each other goodbye.

Marshall's class went fine, He already made a friend, his name is Rocky Greene and Tracker Smith. At lunch time, they showed him how to get to the canteen just in case he wanted to go alone, as we arrived at the canteen, I immediately saw my sister, she was talking to Skye and they were having a great time and both of them blushing "My sister is in love, how cute" I whispered but my friends heard me "Who's your sister exactly?" Tracker asked "Everest Spring, right there" Marshall said pointing to the direction where his sister is but his sister noticed him and went to him "Yo bro, your friends?" she asked his brother "Yep, Rocky and Tracker" he answered as the other 2 greeted her, "Well nice to meet you guys, I'll be going now, see ya" she said as she waved goodbye and went to sit with Skye.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long, just went to say hi to my brother" she apologized to Skye "No problem Ev" they laughed a little as they both smiled "she's so pretty" they both thought blushing. After eating, as Marshall and his friends went back to the room he suddenly remembered something "Oh yeah, I forgot, how much time we got before our next class?" he asked Rocky "Uhm, about 5 minutes why?" he answered "I'll audition for football, it's one of the reasons why I transferred here" Marshall answered "Oh, well you could audition after class this afternoon" Tracker said going to the room "Alright then" Marshall said as the two followed him.

After class, Marshall and his friends went with him during his audition to join football and as he was auditioning they were shocked that he isn't quite bad, so he got accepted and his friends congratulated him "Congrats man!" Tracker said giving him a high-five "Yeah, you did amazing dude" Rocky said smiling "Nice one bro" a voice came from somewhere 'Thanks guys and you too sis" it was Marshall's sister "Oh, hi ate (Pronunciation is a-te not eight) Everest" Rocky said, leaving everyone surprised "What?" they asked him "Oh, for got to tell you, I'm half Filipino, forgot to tell you" he pulled his tongue out jokingly "Oh yeah, forgot you were half filipino Rocky" Tracker said chuckling "Oh 'Ate' means older sister in tagalog it can also be used when talking to an older girl u dont know" Tracker said "Yep" Rocky agreed. "Cool, well I'm gonna head out now, see ya at home bro" Everest said leaving "Catch you guys later" Marshall said following his sister as they went home together.

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