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"So, one more game of Just dance?" Rocky suggested and Zuma agreed and while dancing, Zuma dropped his wallet but as he went down to get it, he never realized that Rocky also bent down to get it, thus making them bump each other. "Oww" they groaned in pain as they looked at each other, so deep in the eyes. Zuma could feel his face heat up "I..uhm sorry for that" he apologized as he felt a hand pat him on the head "No biggie, also" he said as he went down to get the wallet "Here you go" he said, giving it to him not breaking eye contact "Thanks" he thanked him, now blushing "Like I said before, no biggie" he said, still not breaking eye contact.

Several minutes ago, with Chase and Marshall.

They walked around the mall and decided to sit at a bench nearby "Why did you decide to leave them? Just the two of them?" Marshall asked him as he heard Chase laugh "Can't you see? Your friend have a crush on my friend" Chase said laughing "He can't be, he's straight, and you just can't assume their sexuality just because of that" Marshall snapped at him but he didn't mean to "But I guess, you're kinda right, he seems to be so soft all of a sudden towards Zuma" he then calmly said, smiling and Chase can't help but blush as he find his smile so cute that his heart melted "That's cute" Chase muttered, surprising Marshall a bit "Yeah, it is" he said sitting on a bench to rest for a bit and Chase followed.

"Hey, I want to talk to you about something" Chase said with a worried tone in his voice as he got his phone from his pocket and showed him the post he saw the other day "What did you mean by this?" he asked him but when he looked up to see him, he was shocked and kind of scared when Chase saw that post but Chase suddenly looked worried. So he told him that if didn't want to talk about its fine but Marshall already made up his mind and decided to tell him "Well, you see,I'm actually gay and I was the best centre-back on team at my previous school at Jeans High School, everything was great until and someone exposed me and I got bullied a lot like everytime I'm near, they act like I'm a virus or something, that they'd be scared of me and that hall...is where I get bullied by the school team. That's also why I transferred at Truham because even if they knew I was gay, they don't care, the accept me for who I am and I'm happy there" he said, crying a little bit and Chase didn't know what to do except hug him. When he hugged him, Marshall was shocked but he hugged him back as well "I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm so sorry for asking as well I didn't know that it was this serious" Chase said panicking a little bit but calmed down soon after "Wait here, I'll get something real quick stay there" Chase said leaving him and 5 minutes later he came back holding a Paw Patrol Chase plush toy.

"I bought this for you, I know it's from a children's show but he has the same name as me, Chase and just like me, we're both attractive" he said trying to cheer him up and he ended up laughing a bit "I know about those pups and when I was a kid I had a crush on that pup but now I grew out of that phase and don't get any idea that I have a crush on you, alright? You might be the same name as him but you're not him" he said laughing to himself, taking the plush from him "But, thank you" he continued as he hugged the plush "So that everything's fair, I too have something to tell you" he started to speak as he sat down "So, as you heard from a while ago, I'm Bi, and it kinda surprised me that you didn't react that I was, but anyway, when I came out to my parents they didn't support me which is kinda sad saying that boys should be with girls only and nothing else" his jolly voice slowly faded and now he was sad as well "It's been a year since then and I'm starting to get tired of hiding what I am and it's killing me" he said, his head down like he's about to cry and just like last time they hugged and comforted each other.

"I just want them to accept me for who I am and still love me but I don't see them doing that to me anytime soon" Chase said, sighing sadly "Now, you stay here, meanwhile I get you something in return" Marshall said leaving him and just like last time minutes later, he came back with a Paw Patrol Marshall plush toy "Seriously? You copied me?" Chase said laughing and "Let me guess, you bought that plush toy to cheer me up?" he said as he got a nod from Marshall "You're cute, you know that?" Chase said, surprising Marshall "Wh-what? Who's...Who's cute?" he stuttered as Chase realized what he said "Uh, I mean, the plush toy, the plush toy is cute. You know? The Marsh- I mean the plush toy you uhm" he was a mess, he couldn't speak properly "Are you okay" Marshall asked him, laughing a little "Yeah, I don't why I'm panicking" Chase said as they both laughed.

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