ok Catherine is my best friend-phoebes mom & then my moms friend / colleague and oh my god... okay shes cool but shes fucking cRAZY
before i continue -- *DO NOT TRY AT HOME KIDS* i am a bad example of a human being, im not cool, im a loser ((not really im fucking awesome)) so stAY IN SCHOOL KIDS
okay so today i decided that instead of ditching PE class, why dont i just skip school! so i did.. & because i did this yesterday ((31 April 15)) the school decided to call my mom & i obviously didnt get away with it bc my mom called me asking what was up
so i went home, and my mom was all "what the hell blue, why are you not at school"
"i didnt want to go" *i pop my bubble gum*
"okay, cool. but youre not staying home. i have a meeting here in like an hour"
"you can go furniture shopping w me!" catherine suggests
mom- "i think i just said.. meeting"
catherine- "i dont really want to......"
anyways so then catherine decides to suggest i go furniture shopping w her & i agree bc why the hell not?!
anyway we go to the furniture store & we're in the tv section when Bang Bang starts playing & as im about to take a pic to post it on twitter Catherine fucking screams??¿
"What the hell?" my eyes widen @ her. "what are you doing?"
"oh... i was going to fangirl with you... i do it with phoebe all the time. isnt that the only reason youre friends with phoebe?... bc u both like Ariana.."
did she really just shade her own daughter like that???? oh my god okay thenn....
whatever.. then she decides to drive all the way to town & long story short when we were leaving she said she forgot where we parked so we were going to take the bus and the bus literally crashed into a wall to avoid hitting a car in front, like HALF THE BUS WAS GONE & EVEN MORE OF THE WALL WAS GONE
LIKE I LITERALLY ALMOST DIED AND WHEN WE GOT OFF THE BUS CATHERINE GOES, "i knew where we parked really, i just couldnt be bothered to walk all the way back there".......
no words. i have no words for this woman