(1) look what i found!

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Hay guys! This, if you didn't know, is a Phanfiction! In this particular Phan fic, Dan is a niko! So part cat. Tail, ears, whiskers etc. Tell me what you think!!

Phils pov:

' I did always want a pet.......a cat.....cats are cute... '

Phil though to himself as looked into the pets shop window. Though Phil was basically a 10 year old in a 25 year olds body, be still felt that he could take care of a pet. Then he remebers that he wears odd socks and has a apartment covered in stickers. And decides mabey not.

He was seriously considering a kitten when I glanced over to the nikos cage.
They were basically humans. But with tails, cat ears and similar habits of a cat. Phil liked nikos because it's a pet that can actually tell you what it needs! It's pretty much a small child.

Which is why he isn't so fond of the cages and beatings and other treatments given to the creatures. You own them in the eyes if the law, so can do what you want to them. No human rights for them because they aren't seen as human. So they're stuck being pets without a say in it.

After a while of standing near the window, Phil thought he should probably learn how to function as a adult before he adopts a pet.

If he was going to get a niko, it would be from a shelter anyway. The poor things get dropped off there if they don't have the 3 key that make a niko valuable.

1) Sharp, pointed ears and tail.

2) Unnatural hair colour, that's natural to the niko but not a natural human colour.

3) Bright, icey eyes. White, pale crystal blue or greens. No browns or deep colours. They have to be cold colours.

Without those things the niko isn't worth anything. They're like accessories, they show your wealth. But Phil doesn't really understand that mentality. Though it's how the world seemed to be.

The icy London air bit at phils cheeks. He rubbed his hand together in a attempt to warm them. The usually busy street was eerily empty as he walked in thw direction of his apartment.

As he walked a box just out of the way of the pavment, caught his eye. A peice of paper fluttering in the wind stuck to the box . Phil walked towards it curiously, he saw the paper had wrighting on it. The box was big. Big enough for phil to sit in if he tried. He knelt down and read the note:

Dan.   FREE

Looking for a home.

Isn't worth selling.

Phil stared at the note. But even a less expensive nikos are £100 at least. Why would you leave it on the road side?

As Phil peered into the box, he saw a niko with a brown fringe and soft tail curled around his body, his ears pressed firmly against his head.

He had just some shorts on. In the London cold. He seemed scared, Alone, his body was so frail and small. He was littered with bruises and cuts. Seemingly starved and abused, Phils heart ached for the poor thing.

" Hay there Dan." Phil wispered, his breath visible as it was now almost November. He tryed to keep his tone soft as not to frighten him.

Though his voice was gentle , at the sound of it Dan flinched away, cowering in the courner.

" I won't hurt you, it's ok. "

The niko still curled up in the box but he seemed visibly less tense. Phil thought hard. The poor thing looked so helpless.....He couldn't leave him there. So what if he couln't match his socks? That was nothing tovdo with his ability to care for him!

I did always like cats | PhanWhere stories live. Discover now