(4) A crush

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Hay guys! Well here we are back with Dan and Phil! Seriously though why don't we have a Niko Dan stay yet?

It had been a few days since Dan confessed to being gay. He had been more relaxed , like a great weight had been lifted from his chest. But now Dan had another problem . He had admitted to himself that he was gay and Phil had helped him realise that it was ok. But since he had realised he was gay he also realised he had a crush......on Phil. He knew this was bad and wrong and he shouldn't but......Phil was just so .......phil. But Dan was Phil's pet. And he knew that's how it must stay.

They had decided to go to the park today .The sun was out and a gentle breeze whistling threw the green leaves. A smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. Dan skipped and chased butterfly's . They giggled as Phil ran after him. They found a shaded spot under a tree and decided to lay down . They Gazed at the clouds.

" What do you see?" Phil said , pointing to the clouds scattered across the blue of the sky.

"I see a.......Car."

"I see a umbrella ."

" Can you see that llama? That one there."

"I can see.....two people."

"I see them."

"They look like there..."


"I think the left one has a tail."


"Can.....Niko's date humans?"

"Well....Its legal but usually the human would own the Niko and then the human decides that they date. But the Niko doesn't normally have any control over what's happening." Phil explained

"Oh ok...."

Phil turned to face Dan .

"Why did you ask?" He said with concern

"Umm.....well I might....have a crush." He mumbled

"On who?" Phil furrowed his eyebrows in confusion . Dan doesn't know any people .

" I ..uh.." He started to breath more and more rapidly . His eyes began to water .

"Dan?" Phil said holding his had . " Are you ok?"

"I...I'm sorry..."

"For what Dan?"

"I Like you."

"You like me?" Dan nodded

"That's ok Dan .....That's ok." They looked into each others eyes . Phil remembered the day he found him. The day he saw Those chocolate eyes . That brown hair. Those dimples . The flicker of his tail . The twitch of his ears. His smile. Him.

"Your not mad?"

"No . I'm not mad Dan. You know why?"


"I like you too."

Ok guys that was the last chapter! Sorry about the short-ness. well guys thanks so much for reading and voting ! And remember Guys

Stay purple guys


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