8) Yea.....what could go wrong?

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Hay guys so Yay update!! Hopes you likes ittttt!!

He just radiates warmth. Everything around him seems to glow like a sunset when his mood is good, but a grey cloud follows when he's down. Dimples in his cheeks and his dark lashes just make Phil melt. His skin is soft, as are his rosie lips, hands always warm.

He's just so captivating. So beautiful, so adorable, so warm and soft it's unbearable sometimes.

Oh god that was cheesy. Phil doesn't even like cheese. Is this good cheesy? I guess so.

Phil loves Dan. Is there another word that could explain it because he can't think of one.

Seeing him getting worked up about what to where and his fringe and everything else, bothered Phil. He doesn't nees to worry. Chris will love him, So will Peej.

" Dan. Calm it down. You'll be fine. " Phil wrapped his arms over the smaller boys shoulders.

" Sure.... Fiiinneee. " Dan muttered sarcasticly.

" It will. "

" No! I'm going to walk in and be embarrassing and awkward and then you're friends will hate my and then someone will have to punch me in the face just to stop the awkward before everyone explodes. " Dan gestured dramatically.

" Dan. "

" Yes Philip. "

" That won't happen. "

" Famous last words. "

" I won't let anyone punch you in the face. "

" Aw really? " Dan batted his eye lashes up at Phil. " That's so nice of you. "

" Any time. "

" But seriously..... Do you think it'll be ok? "

The reflection showed Phils small smile, his soft kiss on Dans cheek his tail wrapp around Phils arm affectionately.

" Definitely. "

" Have you told them I'm.......you know...not human? " Dan asked.

" Uhm.....no. " It hadn't really crossed his mind, Dans cat like features had become something normal to him. " They'll be fine with it. "

" Sure? "

" Course. It'll be fine Dan. "

" Yea I mean, what could go wrong? "
Dan grinned.

What could go wrong?

Sooooo sorry about the short chapter but tell me what you thought! Thanks for reading and remember

Stay purple my little Phanatics


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