9 ) Oh, that could go wrong

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Warnings: sad, talk of rape abuse ect.

Ok, so in retrospect, Phil should have maybe talked about the niko situation with Pj and Chris. Then the whole situation could have possibly been avoided. Or maybe it was bound to happen.

Either way, the ' Double Date ' didn't go so well.

It started out fine, Walking to the cafe hand in hand, Phil eager to show of his new boyfriend and Dan calming his nerves.

His scarf was wrapped up almost around his mouth, and his ears pressed close to his head making them seem non existent, buried under his fluffy hair. To keep warm, his tail retreated into his thick, oversized jumper. Still, he shivered and continued to pull himself closer to Phil to warm himself.

Part of Dan wanted to meet his friends. To show someone else what he had. To tell someone " Look!! I managed to find a male companion. And guess what? He lets me kiss his face with parts of my face it's amazing I know . "

The other half of him was petrified. What if they didn't like him? What if they thought he was weird? And though Dan would think Phil had good taste in friends, what if they didn't see Dan as Phil did ?

No. It'll be fine.



Pj and Chris were looking cute and couple-y as usual, Pjs curls falling in his eyes and Chris laughing. They hugged Phil as they said hi and everything was great and normal.

" So, who's your special friend Phil? " Pj asked, wiggling his eyebrows and looking over to Dan.

He had fused himself into Phils arm, refusing to move from a position that had previously provided warmth but was now used as a form of comfort.

" This is my Boyfriend Dan. Dan, This is Pj and Chris. " Phil gestured to the boys.

" Nice to meet you. " Pj stuck out a hand to shake, the rustling of his unusual backpack drewing attention to it, distracting Dan Momentarily. Taking a deep breath he shook Pjs, then Chris' hand. That was fine. See, he can do social things.

" Nice to meet you Dan. Listen, word of warning, this ones just trying to get into your pants. I'd be careful. " Chris joked.

Instead of saying something charismatic or funny back, Dan laughed awkwardly, stuttered a " Yea. Nice to meet you too. " Before hastily returning to Phils side.

Chris took a moment to process his shyness, before clearing his throat.

" So, shall we sit? "

The meal turned out better than expected, Dan soon became cofertable with the boys, melting into the conversation with witty comebacks and occasionally making a joke. Phil was right, his friends were great!

Dan was being amazingly social, the boys were pleasantly surprised by his humour now he wasn't so nervous, and the two sides of Phils world were fitting together nicely.

" So we were out in town the other day and Chris did the stupidest thing. It was amazing. " Pj Started as Chris groaned next to him. " We were in one of the clouth shops, can't remember which, and we split up to look around. I was standing next to this shelf and I look though it and on the other side Chris is walking towards this guy. Chris grabs the guy in a hug from behind and whispers loudly ' Can't wait to take you home and have some fun babe. ' and the guy whips around and just has this look of terrified, horrified confusion. Chris has a bloody heart attack and I'm just dying, in hysterical laughter, as he tries to explain himself. "

" Chris! " Phil manages through the laughter. " Don't you know what your own boyfriend looks like? "

" Hey. He had curly hair. He looked like Peej from behind. " Chris defended.

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