(2) A day out

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Hay guys! So we are back! I hope that last chapter was ok. idk. Well , all cross your fingers and hope that soon a real niko Dan will be made.......

Phils pov:

Phil woke and blinked agaist the light. He tryed to roll over to sheild his eyes. As he did he realised a small, warm creature was huddled into his side. Dan had his hands firmly wrapped around phil and didn't look like he was going to let go any time soon. Phil placed his hand on Dans cheek. The younger boy nuzzled into Phils hand, purring softly in his sleep. Phil giggled at his adorable behaviour as he started to stirr.

" Morning " he croaked.

"morning! You hungry? " Phil daid enthusiastically.

" Yea. " He was still half asleep and struggling to keep his eyes open.

" Well come on lets go make breakfast. "

After having cereal and getting dressed Phil suggested they go to the shopping centre to get Dan some clouths and other necessities.

" Ok... I got my keys, phone wallet and...... What am I forgetting? " phil muttered

" Dan?"

" Yea! Ok keys, phone, wallet and Dan. All set! Lets go." Phil grabbed Dan, locked the apartment and they headed towards the subway. As the crowds got larger phil could see Dan was getting worried.

" Here. " phil said as he reached out his hand to Dan. He grabbed phils hand tightly but not enough to hurt him. They began to subconsciously walk colser and closer together. There arms were brushing slightly as the neared the subway. They exchanged warm smiles as they walked.

Suddenly Dan stumbled and just before he could clumsily land on his face, Phil grabbed him by the waist. He pulled Dan into a upright position.

" Are you ok?" phil said as he checked Dan for signs of injury.

" Yea im ok I just can't believe you caught me! "

" Considering I'm the clumsiest person in the UK I can't believe it either. " He joked.

" Good thing you did catch me or you would have had to scrap my face of the pavment. "

" That is not a nice though. "

Once they were on the subway, Dan felt a wave of nerves wash over him. He didn't like enclosed spaces or crowds so this wasn't his ideal situation. Phil noticed and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

" I hate small places. And crowds. That guy definitely has ebola. And that guy in the trench coat is definitely going to feel you up as you walk past. "

" I wasn't worried about catching a devastating disease or being sexual assulted untill now. But since you pointed it out I can see that you are totally right and we should walk everywhere from now on." Phil said sarcastically.

" Walking is like......exercise....... Yea. No I prefer to be on this disease ridden, rape train than walk."

" I agree with you on that."

Once they had got out of the subway station and into the shopping centre they decided the first thing they should do is finde Dan some clouths. Phil knew of a shop that sold clouths especially for nikos.

They found the shop and once they were inside a flamboyant shop assistant greeted them.

" Hello! Welcome! What can I do for ypu today?" He said happily.

" Uh well, I just got Dan the other day and when I did I wasn't prepared. So I don't have anything for him to wear. " Phil replied.

" Oh ok! I will help you find clothes for your little friend! " The assistance walked away and signaled for them to follow. They stopped next to a rack of jeans.

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