Chapter 2

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"You look tired," Wooyoung said and Seonghwa shrugged as he lifted his cup filled with coffee up to his lips.

"How much sleep did you get?" San asked.

"I don't feel tired and I was worried about my roommate the whole night, worried if he would get any sleep," Seonghwa answered after taking a few sips of his hot drink.

"Why? What's wrong with him?" San asked. Seonghwa placed his cup on the coffee table and then leaned back, letting his head tilt back to rest on the back of the couch.

"He's been through a traumatic event. It happened yesterday and last night he woke up screaming."

"What happened?" Wooyoung asked with an eyebrow raised.

"He and his friends went to an abandoned amusement park and Hongjoong..." he frowned. "...he found a body." San swallowed his coffee loudly and started coughing while the other's mouth dropped open, eyes widening.

"Holy shit. Is-is he okay?"

Seonghwa sighed and slowly shook his head. "No. I wouldn't say he is. He looked shaken up when he came home. He was pale and he cried a lot. I think what made the whole thing even worse was the fact that the body was a kid which probably traumatised him more."

"Damn," was all Wooyoung could say and it went quiet, but then all of a sudden a scream made them all jump. Seonghwa jumped up and rushed to Hongjoong's room while the other two watched with frowns on their faces.

Seonghwa quickly opened the door and saw Hongjoong sitting up with his back leaning against the headrest. He was crying, body shaking a little.

"Hey, it's okay, it was just a dream, a nightmare. You're okay," the older said as he walked over to the other and sat on his bed, hand resting on his knee.

"It w-wasn't a dr-dream! It was real!" He sobbed. Seonghwa wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him close against his body and Hongjoong gripped onto his shirt tightly, his knuckles going white with how hard his grip was.

He held the younger male for a few minutes until he had calmed down and he moved away from Hongjoong slightly, Hongjoong's grip on his shirt loosening but never letting go. He sniffed and a hiccup shook his body. Seonghwa leaned over to grab a few tissues to give the other and he mumbled a "thanks" as he took it. He blew his nose and wiped his eyes then tossed the used tissues into the bin beside his bed.

Seonghwa placed his hand beside Hongjoong, putting his weight on his arm and reached up to cup his face, thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. The younger looked up into his eyes, then they closed and he rested his head against his shoulder.

"I'm tired," Hongjoong's voice cracked.

"Yeah, you would be after what happened because it was traumatic."

"I was lucid dreaming as well so that's also drained me."

"If you want to sleep more, you can."

Hongjoong slowly shook his head. "I don't think it will help much with my sleepiness."

(10 PM)

Wooyoung and San had left a few hours ago; around 7 p.m. Seonghwa was laying in bed on his side, scrolling through his phone. He sighed as he turned his phone off, the room going dark and he rolled over to place it on the bedside table. He closed his eyes and a few minutes passed when he heard movement, the blankets being pulled back then a body laying next to him, the covers pulled back up. He opened his eyes to see Hongjoong's silhouette. He could just make out his features. His eyes were closed, a pout on his lips and drying tears on his cheeks. Seonghwa reached out and cupped his cheek then rubbed his thumb over the smooth skin.

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