Chapter 7

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It was early the next morning, the sun barely peeking over the horizon when Seonghwa awoke and he rolled over onto his back, head turned to the left where Hongjoong lay on his side, clutching the Light Fury to his chest. The sight pulled a soft smile to Seonghwa's face. Hongjoong's lips were slightly pouty, his cheeks dusted pink and the softest breaths left his nose.

Seonghwa reached out a hand to gently push hair away from Hongjoong's forehead and he carefully moved closer so he didn't wake him. He wasn't even thinking when he pressed a short kiss against Hongjoong's forehead and he moved back to stare at his peaceful face.

Seonghwa doesn't know how long he stared at Hongjoong, admiring every little detail. He didn'6t realise that he fell back to sleep and when he woke up, it took him a few seconds to process how close their faces were. Their noses were touching and lips centimetres away. Seonghwa's heart began beating faster at the proximity and he moved away. Just then, the alarm started going off and he turned it off. Surprisingly, it didn't wake Hongjoong. He must be in a deep sleep.

"Joong," he called out and placed his hand on his shoulder to gently shake him awake. He took a long look at his eyes, noticing that they were moving around behind his eyelids and they were fluttering like Hongjoong was trying to open them.

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa said much louder, but it still wasn't doing anything to wake the younger man. Seonghwa didn't want to shake him awake and scare him; he knew being startled awake wasn't very nice. Laying back down on his side facing Hongjoong, he gently cupped his face, beginning to caress his cheek and continued to call out to him in a low, gentle voice.

"Hongjoong, wake up. You need to wake up."

After this went on for a couple more minutes, Hongjoong's eyes slowly began to flutter open and a few tears escaped. Seonghwa smiled and kept on caressing his cheek.

"Good morning sleepyhead. I didn't think you were ever going to wake up." He removed his hand from his face, resting it on the pillow.

"I didn't think that dream would ever end," Hongjoong said, voice raspy and deep. His eyes fell shut and he sighed through his nose. "I'm so tired," he whispered.

Seonghwa hummed as he looked over his features. "You look tired. Maybe you should stay home today."

Hongjoong barely nodded as he was drifting back to sleep and Seonghwa laid there for a little longer, a soft smile appearing on his lips. "Yeah, you're definitely not going to work today," he muttered. He grabbed his phone to notify Hongjoong's boss that he would not be at work today due to how exhausted he was. The old man reassured Seonghwa that that was perfectly fine and he hoped Hongjoong was doing okay.

He got up to get ready for work and before leaving, he checked on Hongjoong one more time. He noticed the light fury toy had fallen onto the floor. Seonghwa walked over to grab it and set it on the bed beside Hongjoong who was laying on his back with an arm resting on his stomach, the other by his side. He smiled as he observed his friend and pushed a few strands of hair off his forehead.

He stepped out of the bedroom and walked toward the front door. Making sure he had everything, he left and made sure to lock the door.

Hongjoong woke up 2 hours later and he grabbed his phone to check the time. He saw he had a message from Seonghwa over an hour ago, notifying him that he contacted his boss to let him know that Hongjoong won't be attending work. Hongjoong smiled, his heart beginning to beat a little faster.

He replied to Seonghwa's message, thanking him for taking care of that.

He groaned, falling back against his pillows and grabbing a pillow to cover his face. Why was Seonghwa so perfect?

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