Chapter 5

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Hongjoong was soon back at work and his boss was happy to see that he was doing okay, but if he ever needed more time off, he was free to take another break. Hongjoong was tired, not getting much sleep last night since he had another nightmare and crawled into bed with Seonghwa, which the older did not mind.

Since he's having nightmares often, he might as well just sleep with Seonghwa from now on instead of waking up terrified and alone in the dark of his bedroom. But he doesn't want to annoy his friend. Hongjoong was thinking of just staying in his room when he has nightmares from now on and not crawling into Seonghwa's bed every time he has a bad dream. Just thinking about it is a little embarrassing.

Okay, it's quite embarrassing because he feels like a toddler running into his parents' room for safety from the monster hiding under his bed or in his wardrobe. Seonghwa woke up when he heard Hongjoong bump into something and he knew his friend was upset because of his shaky breathing. He had said nothing when Hongjoong crept into his room and silently lifted the blanket for Hongjoong to get under.

Seonghwa pulled him close and muttered reassurances. Hongjoong kept mumbling apologies but Seonghwa told him it was okay and that he was always there when he needed him.

He always felt safe in Seonghwa's embrace.

"Hey, Hongjoong-hyung," Yeosang called out, getting the older man's attention and he hummed in response as he looked up at his co-worker holding a box. "Do you mind helping that lady?" Yeosang motioned to the woman at the counter with a nod of his head and Hongjoong made his way over to her, giving a friendly smile which she returned.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

"Hi, I'd like these cut at around 2 meters, thank you," she said, motioning to the fabrics rolled up on the counter and Hongjoong got to work cutting them. Once they were cut, Hongjoong folded them and put them in a bag.

Just then a toy came flying toward his legs, startling him and he smiled widely at the sound of a baby cackling joyfully. The baby's mother sighed, though a smile showed that she wasn't annoyed and shook her head. "Cheeky," she muttered with a soft giggle and Hongjoong crouched to grab the toy. He held it toward the baby boy babbling words that could not be understood.

"He's so cute," he gently took the baby's small hand in his and placed the toy in the pram beside him. The baby stared back at him with big eyes and drooling all over the hand that was in his mouth. A wide smile grew on Hongjoong's face and he gently pinched the baby's cheek.

"Do you have children?" the woman questioned and Hongjoong briefly flicked his eyes up to her. he shook his head, staring back at the baby.

"No, I don't. I don't even have a partner and I'm 23."

"Don't stress about that. You're still young and have time to think about children," she smiled.

After she paid and left, Hongjoong went out the back of the building to retrieve a new box of supplies to restock the shelves. He scanned over the labels on the boxers, trying to find the one he needed and when he rounded a corner, his expression brightened up when he finally came across the box he was looking for. He grabbed it, pulling it off another box. A mannequin used every year for Halloween suddenly tumbled out scaring Hongjoong half to death and he side-stepped so the heavy thing didn't land on him, the prop landing with a loud smack as it connected with the concrete floor. He breathed heavily as he stared down at the prop, his heart pounding hard against his ribs and he tried calming down by taking deep breaths, but he was really rattled.

Hongjoong set the box down and leaned his hands on it, head lowered. Why did the stupid prop have to look so realistic? "Deep breaths. You're not having a panic attack over a stupid hyper-realistic mannequin. Get a grip," he whispered, still taking deep breaths. Tears blurred his vision and he pursed his lips to hold back a loud sob that was threatening to come out. He blinked which caused the unshed tears to fall and he sniffed.

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