Chapter 10

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It was closing in on 11 PM when the group were making their way to the maze where many other people were heading inside. On the way there, they spotted some people dressed up in creepy, but really well done, outfits and they'd scare others walking by. One woman dressed as a doll with blood coating her neck and holding a knife jumped at Hongjoong, startling him a little bit. His hands flew up to grab Seonghwa's arm, moving slightly closer to his friend who looked down at him with a wide smile. The woman giggled and Hongjoong playfully glared at her as he stuck his tongue out which made Seonghwa laugh.

When they got to the entrance of the maze, the worker told them to wait for the group of people, that had just gone in, to exit one of the mazes. This was done just so the workers inside had time to move back to their original positions or swap with other actors or fix their costumes. There were two mazes to keep the flow of people going through and if one of them took a little too long getting to the end.

While they waited until the worker got the signal to let the next group in, they grabbed a piece of paper, explaining what they needed to do when they entered the maze.

"Okay! If you are under the age of 15, you are not allowed in unless you are with a parent or someone who is older than 15, so I'm gonna need to see IDs, thank you."

The group of 8 handed over their IDs and the worker nodded, giving them the okay. "Now, this maze does have gory props that are quite realistic. Also, before you guys go in, I would like to warn you that some sections are quite dark and there are flashing lights. You will be jump scared or maybe chased throughout the maze by a worker with a machete or chainsaw, so if you don't like any of those things, then I would advise that you stay out here. Don't worry, you will not be harmed and if you are, there is a med bay at the end to help you."

Hongjoong's eyes were wide in slight shock as he looked between the guy and the double black door that had Haunted Maze written in white.

"Nope! I'm not doing it," Mingi went to walk away but Yunho snagged his wrist, tugging him back and this caused him to stumble into his friend which almost knocked both of them over from how hard Yunho pulled him.

"I have eight men coming through the maze on the left," the employee notified one of the many workers using a radio attached to their belt.

"Come on, Mingi. You'll be fine," Yunho said with a wide smile and he received a glare from his friend.

"Being chased by someone wielding a chainsaw sounds like so much fun!" Mingi said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "That's fucking terrifying!" He screeched and the others laughed along with some strangers standing behind them.

They headed inside, the first room so dark that no one could see their hand in front of them, even if they held them just centimetres away from their face. To get to the next area inside the maze, they had to find a door to crawl through so they began feeling around the walls.

Hongjoong was in one of the corners of the room, arms raised high to feel, then he smoothed them down and he almost fell through the wall covered by cloth. "I found it!"

"Where are you?" Wooyoung called out before bumping into a wall and he stumbled back into San.

"Follow my voice. I'm near one of the corners of the room." Hongjoong crouched and began crawling through the door. The others found the exit and crawled through. Hongjoong stood up and looked around but noticed something.

"Wait, where's Wooyoung?"

"I'm coming! Ow!" There was a faint bump and it made everyone smile.

"Alright, let's go," Yunho said as he took off, rounding a corner and Yeosang rushed after him. The others quickly followed but when they turned the corner, the other two were nowhere to be seen.

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