Chapter 8

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Everyone was awake at 9 AM, a few of them slept in for a little longer, and once they got up, they got dressed to go have breakfast at a restaurant. Hongjoong was having a lot of fun and the chaotic trio (San, Wooyoung and Yeosang) almost got them all kicked out.

After leaving the restaurant, they headed to an area where there were stalls set up. Hongjoong looked at all the crafts and jewellery. Two chunky stainless steel skull and dragon rings caught his eye. He picked them up, bringing them close to his face to get a better look at all the little details. The skull's eyes were blue and the dragons were red.

Seonghwa came up to stand beside him, peeking over his shoulder. "Those are cool." Hongjoong hummed in agreement.

"Excuse me." He called out to the worker at the stall as he got out his wallet and the woman greeted him with a smile. "I'd like to buy these."

He paid the amount. receiving some change, and turned to face Seonghwa, holding up both rings. "Which one do you want?"

Seonghwa looked a little surprised as he looked between the rings and Hongjoong. "Joong, you don't have to give me one."

"Friendship rings. Pick one," the younger moved them closer to Seonghwa's face and he picked the dragon. Hongjoong smiled widely and grabbed his hand, pulling him along to where their friends were. The whole time Seonghwa was smiling and looking at him with fond eyes. Their fingers intertwined and when they reached their friends, Mingi noticed their linked fingers. He nudged Yunho who looked at him and Mingi motioned to the two older men. Yunho smiled and caught Hongjoong's eyes. He grinned at the older man and raised an eyebrow. Hongjoong's face dusted pink as he looked down at his and Seonghwa's hands. He never pulled away, giving Seonghwa's hand a little squeeze and a small smile grew on his lips.

By the time they got home, it was close to 12:30 PM. The food and snacks they bought were set in the lounge room. They got dressed into their pyjamas since they weren't going out again and all got comfortable in their chosen spots.

The Xbox needed an update, so they all talked while they waited. Hongjoong snuggled up beside Seonghwa and the older man smiled down at him. Mingi and Yunho were grinning at Hongjoong who didn't notice their funny looks directed at him.

"Do you think something is going on between them?" Mingi whispered close to Yunho's ear so no one else heard and Yunho eagerly nodded in agreement.

"Definitely. I've noticed that they've been so cuddly and touchy since we started the movie marathon."

The two looked back at Hongjoong and Seonghwa, trying not to squeal at the cute site of them cuddling. Yeosang raised an eyebrow at the two tall men who were silently giggling and when Mingi noticed him staring, he motioned to the two eldest among them. Yeosang glanced over at them, a soft smile appearing on his face.

Yeosang had only heard Hongjoong talk about Seonghwa a handful of times, but whenever he did, he'd have this look in his eyes and he always smiled. It was like watching someone talk about something they liked or someone they adored.

Observing Hongjoong now, who was looking up at Seonghwa as the older talked, Yeosang could say that his friend looked in love.


Time had flown by and it was now half past 8 PM when they were on the last movie. Everyone got more snacks or went to the toilet before sitting down in their chosen seats and getting comfortable.

"Okay, last genre; horror," Yunho smiled and clicked on a movie called Black Water; an Australian film from 2007.

"An Australian movie?" Wooyoung raised his eyebrows and Yunho shrugged as he leaned over to set the remote on the coffee table.

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