Chapter 11

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When Seonghwa received the call from Hongjoong, he had a feeling it was gonna be bad and he was right. Keeping his phone up to his ear, he rushed down the stairs of the two-story house but was careful so he wouldn't trip. He accidentally bumped into a few people on his way down and he quickly apologised as he pushed through the crowded house.

"Wooyoung! Tell the others I've had to go home! Hongjoong needs me! It's an emergency!" He yelled over the music at the male who was sitting on a couch with San who looked up at the older man. Both of them looked concerned, but didn't question what had happened and just nodded.

As Seonghwa hurried through the group of people dancing, he was stopped by his co-worker, smiling at him and rested a hand on his arm. "Hey, Seonghwa, where are you going?"

"I have no time to talk."

"Awe, come on Seonghwa, whatever you need to do can wait. Come with me upstairs," she grinned and tightened her hold on him, trying to pull him closer to her. Seonghwa sent her the nastiest glare, annoyance settling in and he yanked his arm away from her grip.

"I need to get home, it's an emergency!"

"You're just making excuses," she rolled her eyes.

"I have a boyfriend who is currently having a serious panic attack and desperately needs me! Fuck off and annoy some other guy, I'm not interested!" The boyfriend part just slipped out, but he didn't regret referring to Hongjoong as that.

She looked a little shocked as she watched him hurry away and out the front door.

While Seonghwa was on his way home, he called out to Hongjoong over the phone but was met with silence and his worry skyrocketed. By the time he reached his and Hongjoong's apartment, he found him passed out on the couch. He shut and locked the front door that had been left open before quickly going over to his bedroom to turn on the bedside table lamp. He went over to lift Hongjoong and took him to his room.

Hongjoong woke up when he felt himself being lifted and stared at Seonghwa with watery eyes. He looked upset, worried. He looked down at Hongjoong and a sad smile appeared on his lips that were previously formed into a frown. "Seonghwa―"

"I'm here, Joong. I'm so sorry I took so long. I bumped into my co-worker on my way out of the party and she wasn't listening when I said that I needed to go." He sighed as he set Hongjoong down on the bed

"I'm sorry," Hongjoong whispered, averting his gaze away from the older man. Seonghwa's expression went from guilt to confusion and he sat down beside his friend, resting a hand on his thigh.

"Why are you apologising?"

"You were having fun and I ruined it," he muttered, his voice on the verge of cracking if he talked any louder and he cleared it.

"Hongjoong, you are more important than some party. Don't you dare apologise. I could hear how serious this panic attack was over the phone. I don't care if a situation is serious or small, if you need me, I am here," his voice was stern and the whole time he was talking, he ran his fingers through Hongjoong's hair. It was soothing.

Seonghwa moved his hand to cup his cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb and Hongjoong's eyes fell shut. "I'm gonna go have a quick shower."

Hongjoong nodded and Seonghwa stood up, leaving the bedroom.

After entering his bedroom 15 minutes later, Seonghwa noticed that Hongjoong was asleep under the blankets, cuddling the Light Fury and a closed-lip smile appeared on his lips. Hongjoong must have gone to the kitchen to wash his face while Seonghwa was in the shower because there were no dried tears.

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