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It was Kokushibo. Tanjiro didn't even looked up... He was in tears. Tanjiro felt a arm around his body and cuddles close to Kokushibo's warmth and tears up even more. Kokushibo said, "what's wrong Tanjiro...". Tanjiro said, " I will talk about it with the others tomorrow... I want some sleep". Kokushibo nodded and kissed his forehead. Tanjiro passed out softly. Kokushibo picked him up bridal style and set him on the bed and left the room.

The next day, Tanjiro woke up softly and got dress and got out of his room and went to Muzan's office, obviously knocking first. Muzan said, "come in". Tanjiro opened the door and said, " can you call a meeting...". "Is it about the marriage thing...", Muzan said. Tanjiro nodded. Muzan nodded and teleported them in front of the upper ranks. Gyutaru said, " is something the matter master?". Tanjiro said, "we all might wanna take a seat...". They nodded and sat down.

Tanjiro said, " apparently... Rengoku got into a fight with a demon in upper rank strength and all that... So master kagaya... Made me choose in a week... And we don't have enough time... To date wise... This will be random... So please don't get angry or to upset with me or the other person....". Tanjiro teared up softly and wipes the tear off and said, "... I chose... Daki... ". Daki hugged him softly and said, " shh~ it's okay". Tanjiro teared up and hugged her. Gyutaru said, "we wish you the best of you two... Don't worry... We aren't even mad...". Tanjiro broke the hug and said, " I do apologize...". Doma said, "don't worry about it... It was a hard and rough decision... But you and Daki do have that... Relationship wise...". Tanjiro smiled and said, " I will talk to the master kagaya and the harisha". Nakime teleported to them.

Everyone saw Tanjiro teleport in front of them and got startled. Kagaya said, "sorry child... Rengoku was in a really bad state... He almost died a few times...". Tanjiro said, " it's fine... I decided anyways...it's Daki... So...". Giyuu said, "are you okay.. You look you've been crying"? Tanjiro smiled softly as a tear fell down and said, " yeah I am... Just stressed I guess". Daki appeared and hugged Tanjiro from behind and said, "Darling... Before I give you this ring... Are you double sure about taking me...". Tanjiro said, " yes...". Daki put the ring on him and kissed his forehead and said, "I hope so...". Tanjiro said, " Daki...". Daki looked at him and smiled softly and said, "I love you". "I love you to...", Tanjiro said, holding her hand calmly. Daki hugged him and said, " your arua is sad... I can feel it... It's strong...". "...". Daki touched his cheek softly and said, "dear...is it the choosing...". Tanjiro turned around and hugged her and tears up and said, " my mind is so messed up...". Daki held his head and said, "darling... You are just as messed up as they rest of us.. To be honest, we would talk about what would happen if you chose any of us, I had to tie them up with my belts to keep them from stealing you from my bed when you are asleep". Tanjiro laughed a bit. Daki said, "it's true... I am surprised you slept throughout their screams especially Douma's... He screamed so loud, my poor ears even though I tighten it up". Everyone laughed at her annoyed face. Daki looked at them and laughed as well and said, "but yes... I was gonna get angry if he woke up something precious like Tanji~ I would slice him into pieces". Tanjiro blushed and said, " You know I am a bottom right?". Daki smirked and said, "yes I happened to know dear...". Giyuu said, "well congratulations you two". Tanjiro said, " thanks Onii-chan". "I will see you at my house at the entertainment district ", Daki said. Tanjiro said, " Daki- what if-". Daki said, "to help me pack silly... I was planning leaving that place anyway...". Tanjiro sighed in relief. Daki said, " trust me... I don't want you living there... The drunk men... The pushy women... They will take your innocence...". Tanjiro nods softly. Daki kissed him and said, "see you later baby boy". Tanjiro blushed and said, "...see you...". Daki left at that.


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