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Tanjiro woke up and checks the time, it was 7: 30 in the morning, so he got up to make breakfast, he sees Daki who was tired. Tanjiro said, "you okay?". Daki said, "yeah... Just tired a bit". Tanjiro said, " you should rest we still have time for our date and I still have to eat and get ready...". Daki said, "are you sure, I don't want to feel like I would sleep to long and miss our date..". Tanjiro said, " after I eat breakfast, I would come wake you up and we would both get ready okay?". Daki said, "okay".

Tanjiro ate some food as well as he got Daki up as they both got ready, Daki was wearing a black flower lace dress with high heels. Tanjiro wore a black kimono with gold on it. Tanjiro and Daki went to a restaurants and talked for awhile.

Tanjiro then said, " Daki I have a question to ask?". Daki said, "sure what's up". Tanjiro said, "that night...when I saw you crying...what made you feel like that...". Daki was silent and said, "I didn't have a great past as a human... I kind of remember some of it then I realized that it was my fault that I am a demon... Along with Onii-chan...". Tanjiro touched her cheek and said, "my sister got turned into a demon and I am trying to find a cure... It's just...hard...you know". Daki said, " similar past?...". "Family died, I couldn't save them... I try to protect nezuko sometimes... She doesn't need help all the time she is a strong female demon... Like you", Tanjiro said, with a smile. Daki smiled and said, "you are such a angel... ". Tanjiro blushed and said, "thank you Daki".

Daki and Tanjiro went to Entertainment District,  Tanjiro was in Dani's room after she told no one is allowed in her room. Tanjiro touched Daki's cheek and softly kissed her. Daki kissed back and holds his waist. Tanjiro moaned softly and broke the kiss. Daki said, " heh~...you are so cute". Tanjiro blushed and wraps his arms around his neck and said, "thank you Daki...". Daki smiled softly and said, "no problem my dear".

Daki and Tanjiro got home and Daki was laughing so hard. Tanjiro was pouting and said, " how the fuck did they mistake me as a female!!". Daki said, "so good!! Hahaha!!!". Tanjiro wanted to slap her for laughing but couldn't so he just pulled her into a kiss. Daki blushed. Tanjiro broke it and said, " shut up". Everyone saw this. Daki said, "kiss me again". Tanjiro rolled his eyes and said, " go eat a human, before I smack your head...". Daki pulled his hair. Tanjiro bit his lip from moaning, he really likes his hair pulled. Daki let go and walked off. Tanjiro said,"I am going to bed I have another date tomorrow with Koku~". Tanjiro walked off and got ready for bed.

Tanjiro soon passed out from exhaustion.


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