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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~


[Setting 1]

"Shut up once I said no,then it's a no,no one can change that

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"Shut up once I said no,then it's a no,no one can change that." Taehyung said as he continued eating his beloved chocolate flavoured ice-cream ignoring the sulking Jimin who already finished his own ice-cream and was now asking for his one.

"Pleaseee,I promise to set you up with Yoongi hyung!" Jimin said smirking internally at the reaction the latter gave him,he knew better that his friend would never say no to him after the mention of Min yoongi,his friend from senior year.

Taehyung turned his head towards Jimin immediately,almost instantly and shoved the spoon filled with ice-cream in Jimin mouth making him choke "Hwy whacbt wabt ybu aobre do-" Jimin's muffled whine was cut off by taehyung shoving another spoon of ice-cream in his mouth.

"Shhh just eat and complete your promise." Taehyung said while thinking about the handsome wizard,blushing.He was feeling all giddy and ticklish inside "Hey,just give me that I'll eat it myself!" Jimin coughed with frowned eyebrows "First give me a pinky promise that you will set me up with yoongi?" Taehyung forwarded his pinky finger.

"You are really whipped." Jimin teased with a wiggle of his eyebrows and locked his small pinky with Taehyung's longer one "I promise that I will set you up on a date with Yoongi hyung if you give me your ice-cream." Jimin said,determined to get his ice-cream.

"Ok then here." Taehyung passed his ice-cream to Jimin happily with a light blush on his cheeks "You look like you are gonna eat hyung the second you see him." Jimin laughed at his friend "I really wanna eat him out" Taehyung replied smirking to himself at the thought.

"Eww that's fucking disgusting." Jimin fake gagged at his best friend's words and got up from the bench they were sitting on "Get up,let's go home it's getting dark." he said and took Taehyung's hand and they both headed to his car.


[Setting 2]

"Aah I hate tests,study and school!" Jimin huffed and tugged his hair in frustration "Why do we need to study? Who the heck invented these fucking wand? Who invented school? And why didn't Mr

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"Aah I hate tests,study and school!" Jimin huffed and tugged his hair in frustration "Why do we need to study? Who the heck invented these fucking wand? Who invented school? And why didn't Mr.Kim's parents control themselves that night?!" Jimin talked to himself,a thing he did when he was frustrated.

He decided to rest for some time and picked his phone from the table and opened instagram scrolling through the page tiredly.

His eyes lit up as he saw a pic of a student of his university with Jungkook he straighten up and tapped on the post,an account named 'Kookjeon07' appeared on Jungkook Jimin immediately tapped on the name.

But his all hopes crashed as he saw the account was private,sighing he kept his phone back on the table but wait,isn't he type of friends with Jungkook? He can sent a follow request to him right?

He immediately picked his phone back up and unlocked it.

His finger hovered over the follow button doubtfully,Should he do this?

Yes or no?

Jimin stared at the button still doubtful.Again should he do this?

Fuck it he will do it.


Follow request sended


Well that was quite bold👀

late update,i know.

Well i was just busy you know.

See ya!

𝑬𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒅⋆𝑱𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now