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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~


[Setting 1]


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"I prefer chocolate though." I said as I stuck my bottom lip between my teeth, a small smile resting on my lips that is maybe there since the last 4 hours cause I just can't stop myself from smiling when I talk with Jungkook-shhi..

I have been talking with the younger since last 4 hours and that I just realised right now after my clock started dinging since its already 12 am in the night and honestly it seems as we both don't give a damn about that fact.

So anyways,

We were just continuing talking when, "You are such a baby aww, who still loves banana milk." I said with a slight laugh expecting a comeback but received none making a frown creep up on my brows, Omg did I say something wrong? I thought and mentally slapped myself for being dumb.

I waited for a response for almost 5 minutes but still received none "Jungkook-shii?" I called out but still no one answered me and that was the moment when I started to fucking panic.

"Jungkook? Hey what happened Ju-,ohh" I stopped my panicked blabbering when a weird snore reached my ear and at that moment I finally took a deep breath that I was holding in his confused and panicked state.He sighed to himself before chuckling after the realisation.

Jungkook fell asleep.

I freaked out for nothing I shrugged and sighed taking the phone away from my ear and staring at the screen then smiling to myself at the thought of going on a date with Jungkook.

"Good night meet you tomorrow..Jungkookie.." I whispered in the silence and dreamily stared at the stars. How would it feel like to watch the stars with Jungkookie? I thought to myself as I felt ticklish in my stomach by just thinking about the scene.

We sit in am open group, just two of us as we talk about each other as we laugh together gently.Jungkook joking and me just smiling at him ohh how I just love even thinking about it.

I was day dreaming- no night dreaming to myself when my phone buzzed breaking my chain of thoughts as I turned my head to take a look at the screen of my phone.

Ace baby♠ sent you a text!

"Sis? Woah she texted me like it has been almost 1 month since we last talked to each other since she was busy in her exams of her last year of highschool." I asked myself in surprise but opened the app happily since I missed talking to my baby sis.

Ace baby♠
We humans are just burdens to Earth.

Ace baby♠
Jimin bro I wanna talk to you tomorrow,Its very very bery important!


What happened baby everthing ok?

Ace baby♠
Yeah everything is good,
Don't worry bro.

Then what is it that important?

Ace baby♠
I will tell you tomorrow,
Just pick up my call okie?

Ok baby,
Now go and sleep it's past 12
Rn you need sleep.


Ace baby♠
Byee bro🐤

Whats with that emoji?

Ace baby♠
Nothing it's just you!


Ace baby♠
Ok ok sorry bro good night

Haha good night!


With that I turned off my phone screen with chuckling.I sighed and stretched my arms and legs then made my way inside my apartment closing the balcony window and walking to my bedroom.

I laid down on my bed as I took a deep to calm my excitement and tried to sleep.

Sleep Park Jimin sleep you don't want Jungkook to see eye bags under your eyes!


Short chapter because I am tired but next chapter will be longer!

Till then tata byee byee

𝑬𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒅⋆𝑱𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now