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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~



  "Ohh,yeah tell me about your family" he asked me with a small and simple smile but did he know how it made my heart beat at a rapid speed and almost come out from my chest.

So there were two reasons for the back flips his heart did,

1.Smile...The fucking smile that Jimin showed to me.It was so bright so so bright that I felt like getting blind.

And the 2nd reason, How am I going to fucking talk about my weird ass family? Cause as far as I remember in my life I have only two people that I can call my family first my sister and other is my Hoseok hyung cause my father never considered me as a part of his family and just thought of me as a part of his business so what am I supposed to tell the him right now?

  "U-umm...will you not ask questions about me? Instead of m-my family?" I asked hoping I would not need to talk about my family cause I am not ready but I expected that Jimin would find it suspicious and would think I don't like or trust him.

I looked up from my coffee expecting him to frown but instead saw him smiling Park Jiminn stop smiling please I may get an heart attack! I thought as I internally felt my heart blasting but kept my cool.

  "Jungkook so what's your class and element?" He asked gently he really is an angel, I just love it how he understands situations and don't push on them.

  "I- am an first class wizard..and my element is unknown." I said with a gentle smile which Jimin returned "Ooh.." he stated. "What's yours?" I asked and he looked up.

  "I am a second class fairy and my element is also unknown." he said and sipped his coffee.

  "So what's your favourite genre in books?" he asked, I thought for a second before replying "It's ummm..Action!" I said as he chuckled.

  "And your favourite movie?" This time it didn't even take me second to think "It's iron man, you know I love iron man very much I even have a iron man toy and stuffed toy along with poster of him cause he is so coo- why are you laughing?" I asked and narrowed my eyes Jimin was laughing so hard that almost fell of his chair.

What's so funny I thought to myself and looked here and there in search of any jokers or any funny thing but found none then I realised he was laughing me.

  "I-i am sorry hahaha it's just that you are so cute just like a b-baby haha" He said between his laughter seeing him laugh slowly made me smile too then I too started laughing with him.

Just let me loveee you~~

One time for the present..two times. for the past..

Suddenly both out phones started to ring as we fished them out of our pockets then took a look at the caller ids.

  "Umm one second it's my sister." We both said in unison and got confused both our sisters called at the same time? Maybe just an coincidence.We both picked up the call and the second we picked it up "What!?" both of us again said in unison out of shock looking over at each other "Ok continue." I said.

Bro kook come fast to pick us up we are standing here in this crowd fast broo!

  "What? Why didn't you inform me?" I asked in shock as I heard her chuckle on the other side of the call.

I wanted to surprise you, now come fast I am with my friends they are also waiting fast fast!

  "Uhh ok I am coming." I said and cut the call.

𝑬𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒅⋆𝑱𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now