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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~



"The fuck,why would you sue me? I just want my money!" The tall fairy shouted at the person he called,

He cut the call quickly and started dialling another one "Jiminiee this person was so weird he wanted to sue me-" as he noticed Jimin not paying attention to him he turned towards the said male and saw that,

The latter was smiling from ear to ear while typing something at his phone screen,he leaned forward to take a look at his phone "Jimi-" He saw that Jimin was chatting with someone.


@ Kookjeon Call Video call
@Jeon kook🥔

Jeon kook

Hey it's me Jungkook👋

Park jimin

Wow you texted me!


"What the hell is going on?" Taehyung asked as he stared at Jimin,who just shrugged and pointed to his phone screen happily.

"He accepted my follow request then followed me back and then sent me a dm!"


"Jiminshii~!,how many more hours are you going to talk with him I am bored! You called me over to make me bored or what?" The dark brown haired boy whined as he followed his best friend who was roaming all around the house,

Giggling,blushing and smiling.He turned towards Taehyung "Shut up,I am talking to Jungkook for the first time let me be!" Jimin said annoyed by the latter.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed "Fine,then I will just leave you bitch,continue your chatting.." He paused making Jimin nod but after he continued Jimin quickly threw his phone on the coffee table "...but just remember you will be going all alone to school tommorow."

Jimin was fast to turn around and hold his friend's shoulders firmly staring at him in the eyes "Taehyungiee you know you the most handsome,cute,hot and sexy person in our university,why are you getting mad over something so small~?" He said in a cute tone making a pouty face.

But Taehyung didn't seen to get quite convinced until the latter's nexts words "You know I am pretty sure that Yoongi hyung is head over heels for you too." After saying these all a smirk immediately formed on Jimin's lips because he knew he easily lured the latter by the simple sentence.

"Ok you can continue,Jiminiee~~" He said and just turned around making his way back to the couch and once he reach there he plopped down on it and sat in a comfortable style while picking up the TV remote and turning it on.

Jimin just chuckled and shook his head at his best friends silly behaviour before again turning his focus to his phone that now rested on the coffee table after being yeeted by him.He picked it up and saw two messages from two different contacts,


Hey I umm..wanted to ask you.. (Open app to read further)


Hey! Minnie, what are you doin?

Jimin first smiled at the text sent by Jungkook even if there was nothing funny.Then a frown rested on his features as his eyebrows knitted together at the text sent from that unknown number who just called him minnie.

𝑬𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒅⋆𝑱𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now