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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~


8:09 p.m
At jeon's mansion

[Setting 1]

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The light blue-haired man was laughing hysterically When he saw the other man tense up and shift his weight, as he held onto his laptop

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The light blue-haired man was laughing hysterically When he saw the other man tense up and shift his weight, as he held onto his laptop. The blue-haired man replied with a laugh: "Calm down you big baby!"

"How am I supposed to, though? Think of yourself in my situation like a beautiful male sends you a follow request will you stay calm even if you would be able to do that I am not you." Laying on his bed in frustration, Jungkook explained his story to his friend.

His friend became increasingly perplexed as he listened to the story, "First of all, tell me who it was that made you fall in love;

he should be truly attractive for someone like you to develop a strong emotional connection with him," he said.

Jungkook was struck by how easily the fairy had sent him a follow request.He stood up from his bed and sat down straight, thinking about how his simple request had caused his heart to race.

He raised an eyebrow and faced his best friend, who was looking at him with a curious expression.

Taking a deep breath in he started "His name is Jimin,Park Jimin," He said earning a nod of approval to speak further

"You don't know hoseok hyung, he is the most beautiful and adorable person I have ever seen. He has a really cheerful personality and is also very caring, He-"

"Hey, dude, stop! Calm down first, as that's a lot of information about someone you just met this morning. "
Meet Hoseok, Jungkook's best friend and closest hyung.

They've known each other for 7 years and Jungkook trusts him the most in everything, so whenever he has a problem, he goes to Hoseok.

Jungkook sighed and sat near his hyung, staring at him and hoseok, expecting him to say something but only getting staring in response, causing him to smack the later's arm "What,atleast say something so that I can help you!"

"I dont knoww.. What to do!" Jungkook said as he sulked looking at hoseok.

"So what is it that you don't know tell me I will help you." He asked while looking at the laptop then at Jungkook.

"I don't know what to do as he sent me an request whether accept it or decline it? " He poured and Hoseok nodded keeping his index finger and thumb on his chin making a thinking face while Jungkook sat there looking at him with hopes to get his answer.

"Hmm what if you accept it and text him something formal like hii or hey? Hoesok suggested thinking that it was a good idea well for him as he was an extrovert and social butterfly so this task was so easy to him,but for Jungkook?,

It was the most difficult task in his life which could never complete or even dare to try but when he had a friend like Hoseok who wont let him live in peace now that he had thought of it.

"But hyu-" Jungkooks whine was cut off like expected by Hoseok keeping a finger on his mouth to shut him up and opened the laptop.

"Now shut up I know you wont be able to do that with your own hands and I dont want to sit here forever so i'll do it myself!" He said and opened the app which Jungkook feared the most now,


He tapped the heart button on top right of the app and saw the follow request of the account named 'jipark2'
which he obviously knew was from the fairy that Jungkook was talking about.

"Hyung dontt pleaseeee!" Hoseok ignored all the whines and continued his work as his finger hovered over the accept button Jungkooks heartbeat nearly stopped he wanted to dig a hole right there and bury himself in it.

And the moment when his hyungs finger touched the button he screamed like literally "NOOOO HYUNGGGG!!!" Hoseok ignored that too and followed the account back.



The blue-haired male now tapped the message button and dmed the fairy without any doubt while the person near him was trying to bury himself under the pillow.


Hey its me Jungkook👋

"Now everythings done lets wait for the reply!" He said while smiling proudly and closed the laptop looking back to see the black haired male eating the pillow.



Finally updating after so many days,


I can also say the first post of 2023 so heyy!

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