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。・*:・★ the real magic was meeting you~


[Setting 1]


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"Aahhh I am bored what should I do?" I asked myself,while thinking very deeply cause I am very very bored right now and don't have anything to do.


"Lets call taehyung over,Yess this wil work!" I beamed and quickly fished my phone from pocket and dialled my alien- I mean taehyung's number and attached my ringing phone to my ear while waiting for the call to get picked up,A beep sound made its way to my ears indicating that taehyung had picked the call up,

Talk bitch.

"Wow,what a nice greeting right?" I said in a galled tone cause wtf? Is this a way to talk?

Yeah shut up whatever,now tell me what happened?

"Can you come over to my house with some ice creams and snacks cause I am bored and hungry!"

Yeah okay but first tell me what happened,you know after you sent the follow request to Jungkook?

This bitch again made me sad as I was just hours ago,it has been one day till I
sent him the follow request but he still hadn't accepted it.I sighed over the thought and answered Tae in a sad voice "H-he didnt accept it even though it has been a day!"

Hey why are you sad? You shouldn't be sad over something so small jiminiee~! Its ok I think he just didnt open his instagram right what is there to be sad about huh? Now cheer up my soulmate!

His words were so cheerful that made me smile,forgetting about Jungkook not accepting the request I giggled at him and replied to him "I am happy now! Just come over here we can hangout together."

This is my jiminiee! On my way bye.

"Yeah bye bye." I said and cut the phone laying on my bed while staring at the ceiling waiting for tae,I started thinking about random things to get rid of my boredom till then until I hear the door bell ringing.

[Setting 2]

I stood up from my bed quickly and ran to the door already knowing who was it,I opened the door with a smile plastered on my face and greeted the person outside "Yayy come in Tae." I said as taehyung nodded and made his inside my house,

I closed the door following him and sat with him on the sofa he had to plastic bags in his hands and in which I assumed were icecreams and the snacks.

"So what should we do?" He asked me while taking out the stuff from those bags "Ummm...Netflix?"I asked not really knowing what to do.

He looked at me for a second thinking about the idea then shook his head "Nah..It will be boring.Hmmm...let me think.." He rejected my idea and held his chin between his index finger and thumb making a thinking pose.

Finally he flicked his fingers that I am assuming is because he got an idea of what to do,"Let's call some random numbers!" He beamed but after looking at my face he made an odd face cause oh boi when I tell you how much disappointed I am with this hooman at this idea I don't lie.

"Are you possibly brainless,yeah I know you are but seriously Tae such a bad idea,tch tch I didn't expect th-" My words were cut off by Taehyung shooing me by keeping his index finger on my lips "Shut up,and just see what I am doing."

He fished out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it then he took out the dialpad and dialled a random number while giggling and tapped the call button while all of this was happening I was trying to stop him continuously hitting his arm but I didn't succeed.

Ring ring ring

After the call was placed the phone ringed for a few seconds but soon a beep sound was heard that means the person being called had picked up the phone,I silently gasped while covering my mouth still hitting taehyung.

Ehm ehm hello?

"No hello or bye just answer me where is my money?" I looked at the alien in front of me with a look of disbelief and nervousness,while he just again shooed me.

What who is this and why will I give you any money?

"What do you mean why will you give me my money? I saved you and you are acting like you don't know me? Tch."

Just tell me who you are and how did you save me when I don't even know y-

I lost my focus on the talk as I heard a ding sound coming from my phone that means a notification,sighing I picked up my phone from the coffee table and looked at the notification with bored eyes but soon after reading it my eyes lit up in excitement.


Kookjeon07 Accepted your follow request.

Kookjeon07 followed you back.



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