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September 1st, 1994

I had just arrived at my dorm at Beauxbatons and laid down on my bed when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in" I call out, quickly standing up to straighten out my uniform.

"Hey, it's me" I see Fleur sticking her head through the door. I immediately run to her to embrace her, even though we had just met up two weeks ago.

"It's good to be back here again, isn't it?" I hum in response, pulling away. "Oh, Madame Maxime wants us all in the Dining Hall at twelve-thirty, I suppose it's for one of her opening speeches", I groan while rolling my eyes, "same speech every year".

Don't get me wrong, Madame Maxime is one of the best headmistresses I could have ever asked for, but her speeches go on and on for what feels like hours, and the worse part is that they're always along the same lines of "it's lovely to have you back" and "no rule breaking or there will be consequences".

"We should probably get going, it's already twelve fifteen" Fleur sighs saying "I guess so"

We walk out of my room and I turn to close the door. I've had the same dorm in Ombrelune for the past 6 years, but at least Fleur's room is right across the hallway and I have a view of the countryside from my window. I like to go there to read a book or just escape all the commotion of students running around and talking to me, Fleur joins me sometimes but not as much. She likes to talk to people more than I do so she enjoys being surrounded by everyone. I don't mind that at all but occasionally I like my alone time and some peace and quiet.

"So how was your trip to Greece?" Fleur asks once we start walking out of the tower and towards the Hall.

"Well, it was fine, not the first time in Greece so we visited some of the places from before. This time we went to Athens though, the library was absolutely stunning"

Fleur giggles "And did you meet any prince charming?"

"I wish, it's harder to find a prince charming in real life than it is in the books. You actually have to search for him, he won't just come knocking on your door one fine day"

Someone shouting cuts me off, "Charlotte! Fleur!" We turn around to see Vivienne running towards us.

"Vi!" She hates it when we call her by her full name, says the name sounds too ancient for her. I don't know why she keeps fusing about it, I personally think the name is very unique and pretty.

She arrives next to us out of breath. "Oh yeah, just go on and leave without me" We all burst out laughing as she pulls us both for a hug.

"How are you Vi? We haven't seen you all summer" We continue walking again, with Vi standing between Fleur and I.

"Same old, same old. Parents forgetting to pick you up from school, leaving after 2 days for one of their business trips, and having to spend the rest of summer with your grand-mère while eating soup every day and hearing about how your parents wanted a son instead of you" Vi says showing no emotions at all.

"I'm so sorry Vi, no one should ever have to hear anything like that" Fleur says while I put my arm around her to give her a side hug.

"It's fine you guys, really. I'm used to it at this point. Their words are meaningless" Fleur and I both exchange a sad smile knowing that deep down Vi is hurting.

We silently walk into the Dining Hall and sit down next to each other, just as Madame Maxime walks to the front of the Hall and starts to talk.

"Bonjour mes filles, and welcome to a new year at Beauxbatons, Academy of Magic. Now this year is going to be a little different from your past scholastic years." The three of us give each other confused looks having no idea what she is talking about, but we continue to listen anyway. "As some of you might know, the Triwizard Tournament will be happening this year, it brings together three schools for a series of magical contests, for each school a single student is selected to compete. Our school is one of the participants" Everyone started clapping at that, I guess a bunch of people want to take part in it. A smile appears on my face as I'm clapping, my mother had told me about this tournament when I was a little younger.

"This year it will be held at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in Scotland. Now due to the events in the tournament being very dangerous, we have been told that only students over the age of 17 may take part" Once she said that students started to talk amongst themselves and complain about the new rule. Meanwhile, Fleur, Vi, and I high-fived each other, happy the rule does not involve us and that we are allowed to participate.

"Silencieux!" Madame Maxime shouts causing everyone to quiet down. "It is a decision made by the Ministry of Magic and it is final. So, with that being said, will all students in their final year please go pack their stuff and meet us in the courtyard in 30 minutes. You are all dismissed, merci et au revoir"

All three of us quickly stood up and started fast-walking towards the exit to go back to our dorms. "Can you believe we're going to be able to see the Triwizard Tournament and stay in another school all in one year?" Fleur says in a dreamy voice.

"Are you going to enter and get a chance to be selected to represent our school in the tournament? I know I am" Both Vi and Fleur nod at me answering my question.

"Maybe one of us will get picked" Fleur says shrugging her shoulders with a smile. "Yeah right" Vi says causing us all to laugh.

We arrived at our common room in a few minutes and went down into the hallway where all our dorms were in. "We have 20 minutes to get back downstairs, so wait in the common room once you're done packing"

I nod at Fleur while Vi says "aye aye" and we all turn to enter our dorms.

I hadn't fully unpacked my stuff yet so it didn't take me long to re-pack everything again. I grabbed my stuff and looked out into the common room, none of the others were there yet, so I decided to wait in my room for a bit, sat down on my bed, and took out my book to start reading.

About 10 minutes later I hear a door flying open and I put my book down. "We are late! We are very very late!" Vi says as she starts frantically banging on my door, and what I assume is Fleur's door, for us to hurry up. Fleur opens her door with her bags by her side as do I while I tell Vi "I'm done! Stop trying to knock my door down will you"

"We have 4 minutes to get to the courtyard, so come on" Vi says running to the common room door while levitating her bags behind her. Fleur and I do the same and start running after her.

We somehow managed to make it to the courtyard in time with one minute to spare, all of us completely out of breath after having run what would usually be a 10-minute walk.

While we're still trying to catch our breath Madame Maxime steps out of one of the light blue carriages, which I assume are going to be taking us to Hogwarts, and says "We shall be leaving for our journey to Hogwarts in a few minutes, please give your luggage to our caretakes and find a seat in the carriages"

I give my bags to the caretakers and see Fleur signaling me to go into the front carriage. I step inside after Vi and Fleur and sit down next to the window. In the carriage, there is already Madame Maxime and two other girls from our year.

"Are you excited girls?" Madame Maxime asks us, to which we all hum in response. "I hope you are all on your absolute best behavior and make our school proud"

Then the carriage started getting pulled by the winged horses. I look out the window to see the younger students outside waving and cheering at us as we start to drift off the ground. I hold my hand out of the window to wave back, smiling at the scene.

Triwizard Tournament here we come.

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