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September 1st, 1994

"So after I practically destroyed the flowers in my nan's garden, she came outside and told me-"

"Ladies" Our laughter died down as we turned to face Madame Maxime who was grinning at us. "We have arrived"

I look out of the window, Fleur looking out the same window, and right at that moment, we flew down through the clouds. The castle that we will be living in this year came into view, it looks so magical. Not the same beauty as Beauxbatons, but still extremely beautiful. I hear Fleur gasp from next to me and whisper a soft "woah".

Students start to run outside, probably since they heard us arriving. All of them were looking up at our carriages with surprised and admiring looks. I wonder if they know about the tournament and why we're here. Have they received the news yet?

Just then the Hogwarts students start pointing towards something else, something below us. "Look" Vi says who was currently looking out of the window on the other side.

Fleur and I, as well as the two other girls with us, rush over to Vi's side. I look out to see a large ship emerging from the sea.

"Who are those?" one of the girls says to Madame Maxime while pointing out to the ship.

"Those, my dear, are the boys of Durmstrang" The two girls exchange a look.

"Clear the runway!" I hear a man call out. I manage to get a glace of the man who looks like he could be a half-giant, just like Madame Maxime. He had long hair and an even longer beard. I cannot tell if he is kind or mean but by the sound of his voice, he seems to have a warm heart.

The carriages land, when we almost hit the giant man, and the Durmstrang ship was anchored so that smaller boats could take the student onboard onto dry land. I slowly start to make my way out of the carriages and notice that the Hogwarts students have all gone inside.

I look around admiring the castle. It looks so much better in real life than in pictures and how it is described. It also looks larger from the ground than it does from up in the sky.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" says a smart-looking woman, who is probably in her 60s, as soon as all the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students got off their carriages and boats. She wears a black long dress and a matching hat making her look very stern, but her welcoming smile tells a different story. "Now before you are met up with our students, our caretaker, Argus Filch, will escort you all to your rooms." The woman points to a scruffy man, who is most likely Argus Filch, that is holding an equally scruffy-looking cat with yellow eyes that look like they can see your soul. The duo clearly had a strong bond.

"I'll meet you all again soon" the woman said leaving us all with the caretaker.

"Follow me" Filch says signaling us to follow. We all start to move after the man, I stand next to Vi and Fleur.


As we are walking through the castle no one is saying a word, everyone is too busy looking around and taking in their new surroundings. I find myself looking at all the detailed walks and all the moving paintings, which all start waving at and greeting us as we pass them.

We stop at the bottom of a spiral staircase when Filch turned to us "The Ravenclaw tower is right up these stairs. I'm guessing your headmaster and headmistress have already told you in which house you'll be staying in" Everyone gave him a confused look. We are going to be staying in different houses?

"Seriously, no one does their job right" I heard Filch whisper as he stepped away from us to give space for Madame Maxime and the Durmstrang headmaster to stand. I glare at Filch not liking how he just talked about our headmistress.

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