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September 4th, 1994

We were sitting down by the lake as the sun started to set. I was trying to read my book as Fleur and Vivi were acting out one of the plays we had to study over the summer.

"And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me" Vi says as dramatically as possible.

"If they do see thee, they will murder thee" Fleur shouts clinging onto Vivi causing all three of us to burst out laughing.

"Shakespeare is so dramatic, I love him for it" Vi says as she takes a seat next to me.

"What's Shakespeare?"

We turn around to find Cho walking towards us. "He's this muggle playwriter. We're reciting one of his most well-known plays, Romeo and Juliet" Fleur saw the slightly confused look on Cho's face so she continued, "In this play, there are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet obviously. They are both deeply in love with one another, but their love is forbidden"

Interested in the story, Cho sits down next to us and continues to listen to what Fleur is saying. "One day Romeo thinks Juliet is dead, so he kills himself by drinking poison to be with her. But in reality, Juliet was still alive, and when she saw that Romeo had died she ended up stabbing herself right through the heart. Like that they could be together forever"

Cho blinked a few times "Dark... I like it" 

We all start laughing again at her reaction before we turn to see Hermione, Ron and his sister, Ginny, walking up to Harry. We sit there and watch as Hermione starts talking to Harry while Ron and Ginny stayed at a distance away from him. From where we were we could not hear what they were saying but it looked like it could be a heated conversation.

"I heard that Ron's not talking to Harry" We all turned to face Cho. 

"Why?" "He's mad at Harry and thinks that he lied about putting his name in the cup"

We turn around to face the group again just as Hermione shouts "I'm not an owl" at Harry and leaves.

"I'll be right back" I tell the others as I stand up and start making my way toward Harry. He looks so sad and I felt bad about how people have been treating him lately.

"Hey Harry" he turns to look at me. "For what it's worth, I don't think you cheated"

"Oh thanks, you're one of the few" His cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he meets my eyes. "Don't worry. Everyone just needs some time to cool off from the shock of things"

He nods giving me a small smile. "I'll see you around" "Bye Charlotte"

I start making my way back next to my friends who are smiling at me giddily. "What?" I snap at them.

"I think someone has a crush on our Charlotte" Vivi says laughing.

"Oh please" I roll my eyes at them. Cho and I sit down on the grass to stay talking as Fleur and Vivi proceed to continue reading Romeo and Juliet out loud.


"Charlotte! Fleur!"

Fleur and I walk up into the courtyard to see who's calling us. There we see Vivi, Cho, Cedric, the two Hufflepuff boys that were with Cedric the other day, and a Hufflepuff girl. They were all either standing or sitting next to a large tree.

Vi starts waving around the latest paper and hands it to me "Small warning, you're going to like it" I take a deep breath and start reading it aloud.

"Charlotte Lenoir, daughter of Francis and Annalise Lenoir, born in Tours, and the Beauxbatons champion. Rather than competing in the tournament, her true passion and goal are to flatter and get the attention of the boys. Her current targets being the Triwizard Tournament champions themselves. Will she manage to make it to the end of the Tournament and win the Cup or will she let herself be devoured by her own over-confidence?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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