20 4 31

September 3rd, 1994

"So wait hold on, Harry has to take part in the tournament, whether he likes it or not?"

Yesterday after we were given the news that Harry Potter was still going to be taking part in the tournament we were sent straight to our dorms. No one else apart from the teachers and the champions knew about the decision taken, and now even our friends knew but that aside from the point. I had not found the time to tell all my friends about what happened yesterday. I did not manage to tell them this morning either as we were all sleeping in since it is a weekend.

So I was telling them everything right now, at lunch, as they ate their cottage pie as though they were watching a show.

"Yeah, they said that it was some sort of rule that whoever's name is picked must take part" I reply after I swallow the piece of cottage pie I had in my mouth.

"Do they know how he managed to put his name in the cup?" I shake my head and everyone goes silent.


I turn around to find out who the deep voice that called my name belongs to and see Viktor Krum walking towards me. I smile at him waiting for him to continue.

"They want us to go to the room of yesterday to take some photos for the papers" he told me.

"Oh" I stand up from my place, leaving my half-eaten pie there. "I will come find you all later" I tell my friends before walking off with Viktor.

"We are also going to have a small chat with the writer of the paper, just thought I would let you know beforehand"

"Thanks" I reply, thankful that he told me so that I can mentally prepare myself for it.

"Are you nervous?" he asks me.

"Kind of, I have never done anything like this before so I am not sure how it is going to go"

"Don't worry, I know you will do just fine" I give him a small smile.

We walk into the room and find that Cedric and Harry are already there. With them are a photographer and a very blond woman, with glasses, standing next to him.

"Let us take the photos quickly. You dear, sit here" she tells me as she points to the chair in the middle. She then places Harry to stand right behind me, Cedric on my right side, and Viktor on my left. The photo is taken as the camera makes a loud sound and smoke blows out from a part of it.

"What a charismatic quartet" a woman that was behind the camera steps toward us.

"Hello" she says in a voice you would do while talking to a young child or an animal. "I'm Rita Skeeter"

She starts by shaking Cedric's hand, then Harry's, Viktor's, and then mine.

"I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course, you know that, don't you? It's you we don't know" she starts to laugh to herself whilst none of us make a sound "You're the juicy news"

She walks up to me and places her hand on my cheek. I don't like this 

"What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?"

And then, she slaps me.

I stand her looking at her with slightly narrowed eyes, and the smile on my face reduces a lot.

She looks at Viktor and says "What mysteries do the muscles mask?"

She then walks around me to go over to Cedric and starts scratching his head "Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick?"

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