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September 1st, 1994

I start putting food on my plate as I look around the Ravenclaw table.

Right next to me there was a girl with dark brown hair, almost a black color. She looked to be younger than me by a year or two. She was talking to a girl sitting right across from her. The other girl had hair even darker than the first one, being around the same age as her as well.

As though feeling my gaze on her, the girl looks up meeting my eyes, her dark eyes piercing into mine.


"Hi" I respond.

"I'm Padma Patil" she said holding out her hand between us for me to shake, which I kindly accept. "And that's Cho Chang" she nodded her head towards the girl sitting next to me while letting go of my hand.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Charlotte Lenoir and this is my friend Fleur Delacour." Fleur gives them a sweet smile which they return.

"So, how are you finding Hogwarts so far?" Padma asks us.

"Well it's absolutely beautiful, I know I would have loved to come to school here"

"I love the moving paintings and the statues, probably my favorite part so far" I say continuing with Fleur's statement of admiration.

"And I'm assuming you're staying in Ravenclaw for the time being, correct?" Both Fleur and I nod at Cho answering her question.

"What do you like to do? Hobby-wise"

I took a bite from my chicken and some mashed potatoes as soon as Fleur started answering them. "I do not know if you can count it as a hobby, but I do love fashion. I have a whole collection of magazines from different fashion brands and cultures which I get whenever I visit a new place"

"That sounds really nice, what about you Charlotte?" Padma turns to look at me, waiting for my answer.

"I love to read. Sometimes I get too caught up in it though, can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality"

"I like reading too, helps me relax" Padma says after I'm done talking.

Cho is about to talk when we see four men walking to the front of the Great Hall holding some type of giant tower, which causes us all to look at them curiously.

"Your attention please" We all look to the front to see that Dumbledore went to stand next to the tower as he continues to talk. "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is was awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mister Bartemius Crouch-"

Dumbledore was cut off by the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning, illuminating the whole room, but it was as though it was from inside the building. The sound of thunder echoed throughout the room. Everyone started looking around scared and some even started to scream in fear.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know" I tell Fleur.

Suddenly a spell was cast towards the center of the ceiling making the thunder and lightning disappear.

"Who's that?" Fleur whispers pointing towards the man who cast the spell, a man that was not in the room a few minutes ago.

"Mad-eye Moody" We all turn to Cho with a confused look. "Who?"

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